
The last thing this web site should do about them is provide a full-time nanny. Keep them invisible to all those who ain't logged in yet, that would be a start.

as mike Walsh would say...

they may be starting to die off...last spam was 28 minutes ago.....and the one before that was 30 minutes
Does it even make sense to report this spam?
IMO Yes, there are post picked up by members that can be suspicious, that may get missed by the staff, as good as they are, no one is perfect,
The entire forum is filled with spam again, I think the administrators need to temporarily close account registration and calmly clean everything up.
this bloke


Member · 28
Joined Today at 12:29 PM
Last seen 29 minutes ago

and already has 39 post...all of them useless crap....4 and a half hours wasted
they may be starting to die off...last spam was 28 minutes ago.....and the one before that was 30 minutes
so far tht's around 75 under 2 identities, but i don't think its over
When the Admins are back on the job, that is exactly what they will do...Clean up
Does it even make sense to report this spam?
I was wondering that too, when mods log in they read new posts anyway and so see spam posts whether reported or not.
The report function IMO is only useful to report not so obvious posts such as trolling, insults or forum rule violations etc.

But spam that's obvious, I don't report spam.
The entire forum is filled with spam again, I think the administrators need to temporarily close account registration and calmly clean everything up.
I know it's a pain, but as soon as a staff member comes online they will be gone, the mods are trying to control it by blocking ISP's used, but the sods change ISP's each day,
I checked in and banned a bunch of people.
Also, reporting the spam helps. It brings up a section of the site with different tools and we can deal with them faster - as well as see them more quickly.
I searched the usernames and the same spammer is hitting various other forums in the same way.

He's been very busy on a few non-Linux sites.

Every time I check in here, it seems I’ve just missed an attack. :/
Planned or lucky? you need to log on between 5 and 6 AM
My bands have been busy with gigs and rehearsals over the last few weeks, so I’ve been sleeping in a bit longer and starting work a bit later (the joys of working flexi-time!). So I’ve been checking in here a bit later too.
My bands have been busy with gigs and rehearsals over the last few weeks, so I’ve been sleeping in a bit longer
It's tough at the top
as mike Walsh would say...


TBH, posting spam at this volume, and on that many different fora, you just KNOW the little sod's got his routine automated by now.

We rely on the reporting system over at BC, because without it we'd have to spend all our time hunting the crap down......we wouldn't get anything else done, and don't forget; although as staff we have stuff to deal with, we're still just members ourselves with our own interests and reasons for being on the site.

All fora tend to have a "core" group of members that see it as their "duty" to help keep their favourite watering-hole clean, so we're never short of "reporters".

BC's guv'nor, Grinler, as I've said before, is an accomplished coder in his own right, and has never relied just on existing forum "tools" to deal with the inevitable. He's scripted several one-off, custom tools since the start of the pandemic to help automate and make our workload easier, but it's still an on-going conflict with no end in sight.

So long as online fora exist, there will always be those who see them as a free advertising platform. Individual battles may be won, but the war drags on (and on).......

Ya just have to accept that, and do what you can as & when you can.....


At least on the Puppy forums, we get very little of this stuff due to being a relatively 'niche' community with not a huge amount of traffic. And even there, we have plenty of members willing to help out and report stuff as & when necessary.

Mike. :(
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