

Super Moderator
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Jul 23, 2020
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There are currently a few hundred items in the queue and more than 100 reports.

I'm the only one 'on duty'.

I have a major appointment this afternoon. I will clean 'em as I can.

(Those numbers aren't exagerations and I've already cleaned a bunch.)

(Those numbers aren't exagerations and I've already cleaned a bunch.)
I've been reporting them as much as I can, at a certain point I stopped because they were creating a new spam post every minute constantly since several hours and a lot of new accounts created today that created several spam posts. Maybe it's an idea to shutdown forum registration to prevent any more spam accounts from being created until the staff find a solution to the spammer problem?
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I stopped around 40, I just could not keep up withthem
You should try keeping up with 'em at my level.

I'm working on it... I'm slowly winning the war but I have limited time.
w spam post every minute constantly since several hours and a lot of new accounts created today that created several spam posts. Maybe it's an idea to shutdown forum registration to prevent any more spam accounts from being created
good idea
Thanks Rob think we are under some kind of spam attack!
Reports are cleaned. I did not take the time to respond to reports, I just cleared them as necessary. I hope I got 'em all done properly.
Thanks so much @KGIII and @Rob for cleaning out the spam and fixing the spammer issue!!
I had a forum platform, I know it is a pain. I ended up removing it from the web, after months of barrage of spammy accounts, stopped in their tracks by settings that they couldn't post without my approval. They registered, but couldn't post. I didn't get much of genuine traffic so no point keeping it alive. I initially went one by one, checking the web echo about particular ip addresses whether they were spams, some looked like genuine names. Nope. all spam. I don't remember how I started here, but maybe you could introduce a similar policy for newcomers. Approve their first post and then allow them contributing if genuine. Some spammers still might get through but it will be nothing like this today.
It's down to a dull roar. I'm waiting on a physician and logged in to find only about 20 spam attempts. I banned a lot of people and IP addresses today. I banned more today than I might ban on a slow month.

Good times.

They put quite a bit of effort into it today! They were busy beavers.
More like a pain in the posterior
When I logged in, I saw the large numbers for spam and reports.

I actually refreshed a few times just to make sure that it wasn't a mistake. I've never seen that many spammers. I've never had to process that many reports.
I've never seen that many spammers.
me neither, I had to go shopping this morning, I tagged all that were there [around 30], went shopping, was out for about 35 mins, came back switch on and started tagging, but they were posting faster than I was tagging, so I gave up, mentioned you and Jason in one post in hopes one of you were about, but no luck.
Thank you for posting and for your work, @KGIII and everyone else :))) I was quite horrified when I opened "What's new" page today and it was full of spam. I don't know what to do in such situations, so I waited for the staff to make an announcement.

Since 7PM Sydney, Australia time....I would estimate around 500.....easily more...definitely not less.

I awoke at 4AM (Sydney time) to 430 spam emails......I had already cleared 2 full pages of them prior to going to bed around 8.30pm

This is something that should receive the highest priority...we are obviously in someone's cross hairs....the attack was definitely via bot/ prepared for it to come again. Their attack was successful, they will definitely aim our way again

If more bots are employed, it will take the site down
I don't know what to do in such situations,
If you think a post is spam, on the bottom left is a REPORT link, if you think a post is suspect sy why in the comment box, if it is clearly spam, all I do is click report and put spam on the first one,[then post my hunting spam cartoon], and if the next are from the same source I just put tag in the report, And then in the repeat post hit reply in the post concerned and just put tagged, then the rest of us watchers will know its already been reported.
Btw does anybody have that number for contacting my airline(Delta), I forgot to write down the numbers shared here in different forum posts so I have no way of contacting them now.
It's down to a dull road. I'm waiting on a physician and logged in to find only about 20 spam attempts. I banned a lot of people and IP addresses today. I banned more today than I might ban on a slow month.

Good times.

They put quite a bit of effort into it today! They were busy beavers.
Hope the physician's appointment went well.

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