Solus-distribution (Boot)


Jul 24, 2021
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My question would be whether the solus distribution has software where you can perhaps optimize the bootloader? Because if I want to go into Windows, I always need the BIOS... or a command in the console? thank's for the Tipps...

I am assuming that you do not get the usual Linux boot load page when you switch on, and that your computer boots directly to Solis,
so try boot Solis
open terminal
copy/pate to terminal $ sudo clr-boot-manager set-timeout 5 && sudo clr-boot-manager update
enter password
you should [fingers crossed] now get a boot screen giving you the options to chose what to boot, but it won’t be on the screen for very long.
Exactly, I can only get into Windows via the BIOS, but I'll try that and get back to you, thanks
good that I asked, the 2sudo options work perfectly! but you can certainly increase the timeout? otherwise thanks again
If it's working great, well done!

If you re-run the terminal command but change the 5 to 10 it should double the length of time the splash page is on-screen

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