RedHat RHCSA8 - EX200


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Aug 13, 2022
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Hi Friends,

RedHat - RHCSA8 - EX200

I have a doubt related to the in RHCSA8 - EX200.

I feel like both of the below 2 questions are for mounting a remote server directory using 2 different methods.

Questions are separated as Q1 (a,b,c) and Q2 (a,b,c,d,e).

Kindly refer the below 2 questions and explain me the difference between Q1 (b,c) and Q2 (b,c,d)


*** Q1) Ensure that the network file system called /share is persistently mounted on /local-share across reboot. The NFS server exports the /sharenetwork file system. The NFS export path is

** a) Create the /local-share directory.

mkdir /local-share

** b) Append the appropriate entry to /etc/fstab so that the network file system available at is persistently mounted on /local-share across reboot.

echo " /local-share \nfs rw,sync 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

** c) Mount the network file system on /local-share based on the entry in /etc/fstab.

mount /local-share


*** Q2) Configure serverb to automatically mount the home directory of the production5 user when the user logs in, using the network file system /home-directories/production5.This network file system is exported from Adjust the appropriate SELinux Boolean so that production5 can use the NFS-mounted home directory on serverb after authenticating via SSH key-based authentication. The production5 user's password is redhat.

** a) On serverb, use the sudo -i command to switch to the root user account.
sudo -i

** b) Install the autofs package.

yum install autofs

** c) Create the autofs master map file called /etc/auto.master.d/production5.autofs with the following content.

/- /etc/auto.production5

** d) Create the /etc/auto.production5 file with the following content.

/localhome/production5 -rw

** e) Restart the autofs service.

systemctl restart autofs

G'day @MeAPAC and welcome to

You might do a little better in an examination if you at least pay the attention to a site you join to see where is best to post a Thread on Redhat, it is certainly not General Linux.

I am moving you there now.

@f33dm3bits can you take a look at this please?Thanks.

Chris Turner
The difference between the methods used Q1 and Q2 is that with Q1 fstab is used to mount a network share which occurs during boot. With Q2 auto-mount is being used with a home directory that is a network share and in that situation the directory is only mounted when a user accesses the directory and unmounted after not being used for a period of time.
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