So I've got a bunch of questions, all in the same realm, related to the How's and Why's of all the different OS's, Distros and DE's of Linux. I'm not a super computer literate person, but know enough to understand when someone explains in an easy to understand manner. I catch on quickly when people use layman's terms instead of inside computer lingo. I've done a LOT of research on Linux over the last few months and have learned a lot! Yet still don't understand quite a few things. But know enough to have a general idea of what it's all about and what I'm looking for.
I've messed around real quick a few times with trying Zorin, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mint and PoP OS on my Windows 10 PC using VMWare Virtual Workstation Player 16. But realized if I ever want to do this right, I need to pick an OS and then a DE and install it on my actual hardware, as they don't run all that great on the VM. PoP and Zorin did, but Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Mint Cinnamon did not. I know I want to get another SSD drive and install Linux on it, instead of doing a dual boot mode. Mostly going to migrate entirely over to Linux for everyday computing, only using Windows for a few games here and there.
And just a quick background: I don't do ANY power computing, just regular computer stuff. Checking email, banking, internet, games sometimes, music, photos, etc. No coding, no video editing, no podcasts, no terminal use, no servers, nothing like that. So for me, aesthetics, clean but beautiful desktops, a few useful widgets, how the windows look open and feel, interesting features (ex. such as PoP OS's amazing tiling), yet with the ability to customize is THE most important thing for me. And then of course stability and long term support.
So I'm looking to find a Distro or OS of Linux that is visually amazing, has lots of great modern high end features, is easy to customize either in the OS or with additional apps I can download, all while being stable and relatively or completely bug free or no glitches. As well as being very secure and free of spying corporate interests.
I read about how amazing KDE Plasma is if you want to "customize" literally everything about your DE. And that does appeal to me. But I read just as many people saying it doesn't come without issues. And those issues are that it can be very buggy or glitchy. And I don't want that.
I have read that Gnome is probably the best DE that looks amazing, can be customized to look amazing, but is stable and smooth. So that sounds appealing, but again, I have no idea.
So far, it seems like the following OS's or Distros that might the best for me are: Ubuntu, Pop OS, Zorin, Mint Cinnamon and maybe Debian. With Gnome, Cinnamon and Deepin as the best DE's for my purposes. But still, I don't know and that's why I'm here to ask questions.
One caveat about Deepin, is I know it's from China and a lot of people don't trust that. So I have read that you can just use whatever OS you want and put Deepin DE on top of that, and then you're Ok? Is that correct?
1. Do different Distros or OS’s app stores have exclusive apps? Or can you get most or all apps on any Distro or OS? If they are exclusive, which distro’s or OS’s have the best app stores? And I have no idea how Flatpak differs from a Package Manager? Or really what it does? It "seems" like a Flatpak is really good and you want one? If so, which Distro's or OS's come with Flatpak? And if they don't come with it, can you easily add it to most or any OS/Distro?
2. Is the fantastic tilling feature I’ve seen in PoP OS and Cosmic proprietary to Studio76? Or can you get the same tiling app or something almost identical for almost any distro or DE?
3. I see distros like PoP, Zorin, Mint Cinnamon, Kubunto, Deepin and Munjaro and that have a decent amount of customization features straight out of the box, but nothing too crazy or amazing. But what they do seem to have is a good amount of uniqueness to them compared to the other base distros/os's. So my question is, can you customize the crap out of them (Mint, Zorin, PoP, Deepin, etc) like you can do with Plasma or Gnome to look and feel EXACTLY how you want through downloading extra customization apps through an App Store or GitHub type sites? Or are they limited in what you can customize?
And I guess my main question for all Linux is, can you put ANY DE on top of ANY Distro/OS and customize it as much as you want and it run smoothly with no glitches? Or do some DE's not run all that great on top of certain Distros/OS's? If so, which OS's/Distros work best with certain DE's for doing lots of visual customization while retaining great stability with no glitches?
4a. I usually read that Plasma is THE most customizable DE, but can be or is glitchy. While Gnome isn’t quite as crazy fully customizable, but the tweaks you can and do look more polished, look better, more aesthetically pleasing/clean, run smoother and have way less problems compared to Plasma? Is that about right? Or not really? Is Gnome just as editable/customizable as Plasma? Is Zorin, PoP OS, Deepin or Mint just as customizable/editable as Plasma?
4b. If this is mostly correct, can you still then download any number of apps from the Package Manager/App Stores, DeviantArt, Github or places like that that WILL let you customize the heck out of Gnome, PoP, Zorin, Mint, Deepin? Make it look or perform functions exactly how you’d like? Or is it limited?
5. And finally, my last question deals with which OS's and DE's are the most stable? While also allowing a lot of visual customization?
For someone not super familiar with how Linux, it’s OS’s, it’s DE’s and themes work exactly, it’s very confusing and just trying to get a handle on how it all works so I don’t waste time downloading a version of Linux that doesn’t do what I want and isn’t stable and reliable as well. I haven't read this exactly, but I feel like I have read between the lines that you can basically run any OS or Distro you like and then customize it to look like ANYTHING you want. And if that is correct, then why in the heck are there so many versions of Linux? Shouldn't they just make one base OS, then just have one huge app store that allows everyone to do as much or little customizing, editing, adding of programs as they want? It's all SO confusing to someone looking in from the outside and trying to get into a Linux OS. So just looking for some beginner friendly help and explaining of how this all works. Thanks
I've messed around real quick a few times with trying Zorin, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mint and PoP OS on my Windows 10 PC using VMWare Virtual Workstation Player 16. But realized if I ever want to do this right, I need to pick an OS and then a DE and install it on my actual hardware, as they don't run all that great on the VM. PoP and Zorin did, but Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Mint Cinnamon did not. I know I want to get another SSD drive and install Linux on it, instead of doing a dual boot mode. Mostly going to migrate entirely over to Linux for everyday computing, only using Windows for a few games here and there.
And just a quick background: I don't do ANY power computing, just regular computer stuff. Checking email, banking, internet, games sometimes, music, photos, etc. No coding, no video editing, no podcasts, no terminal use, no servers, nothing like that. So for me, aesthetics, clean but beautiful desktops, a few useful widgets, how the windows look open and feel, interesting features (ex. such as PoP OS's amazing tiling), yet with the ability to customize is THE most important thing for me. And then of course stability and long term support.
So I'm looking to find a Distro or OS of Linux that is visually amazing, has lots of great modern high end features, is easy to customize either in the OS or with additional apps I can download, all while being stable and relatively or completely bug free or no glitches. As well as being very secure and free of spying corporate interests.
I read about how amazing KDE Plasma is if you want to "customize" literally everything about your DE. And that does appeal to me. But I read just as many people saying it doesn't come without issues. And those issues are that it can be very buggy or glitchy. And I don't want that.
I have read that Gnome is probably the best DE that looks amazing, can be customized to look amazing, but is stable and smooth. So that sounds appealing, but again, I have no idea.
So far, it seems like the following OS's or Distros that might the best for me are: Ubuntu, Pop OS, Zorin, Mint Cinnamon and maybe Debian. With Gnome, Cinnamon and Deepin as the best DE's for my purposes. But still, I don't know and that's why I'm here to ask questions.
One caveat about Deepin, is I know it's from China and a lot of people don't trust that. So I have read that you can just use whatever OS you want and put Deepin DE on top of that, and then you're Ok? Is that correct?
1. Do different Distros or OS’s app stores have exclusive apps? Or can you get most or all apps on any Distro or OS? If they are exclusive, which distro’s or OS’s have the best app stores? And I have no idea how Flatpak differs from a Package Manager? Or really what it does? It "seems" like a Flatpak is really good and you want one? If so, which Distro's or OS's come with Flatpak? And if they don't come with it, can you easily add it to most or any OS/Distro?
2. Is the fantastic tilling feature I’ve seen in PoP OS and Cosmic proprietary to Studio76? Or can you get the same tiling app or something almost identical for almost any distro or DE?
3. I see distros like PoP, Zorin, Mint Cinnamon, Kubunto, Deepin and Munjaro and that have a decent amount of customization features straight out of the box, but nothing too crazy or amazing. But what they do seem to have is a good amount of uniqueness to them compared to the other base distros/os's. So my question is, can you customize the crap out of them (Mint, Zorin, PoP, Deepin, etc) like you can do with Plasma or Gnome to look and feel EXACTLY how you want through downloading extra customization apps through an App Store or GitHub type sites? Or are they limited in what you can customize?
And I guess my main question for all Linux is, can you put ANY DE on top of ANY Distro/OS and customize it as much as you want and it run smoothly with no glitches? Or do some DE's not run all that great on top of certain Distros/OS's? If so, which OS's/Distros work best with certain DE's for doing lots of visual customization while retaining great stability with no glitches?
4a. I usually read that Plasma is THE most customizable DE, but can be or is glitchy. While Gnome isn’t quite as crazy fully customizable, but the tweaks you can and do look more polished, look better, more aesthetically pleasing/clean, run smoother and have way less problems compared to Plasma? Is that about right? Or not really? Is Gnome just as editable/customizable as Plasma? Is Zorin, PoP OS, Deepin or Mint just as customizable/editable as Plasma?
4b. If this is mostly correct, can you still then download any number of apps from the Package Manager/App Stores, DeviantArt, Github or places like that that WILL let you customize the heck out of Gnome, PoP, Zorin, Mint, Deepin? Make it look or perform functions exactly how you’d like? Or is it limited?
5. And finally, my last question deals with which OS's and DE's are the most stable? While also allowing a lot of visual customization?
For someone not super familiar with how Linux, it’s OS’s, it’s DE’s and themes work exactly, it’s very confusing and just trying to get a handle on how it all works so I don’t waste time downloading a version of Linux that doesn’t do what I want and isn’t stable and reliable as well. I haven't read this exactly, but I feel like I have read between the lines that you can basically run any OS or Distro you like and then customize it to look like ANYTHING you want. And if that is correct, then why in the heck are there so many versions of Linux? Shouldn't they just make one base OS, then just have one huge app store that allows everyone to do as much or little customizing, editing, adding of programs as they want? It's all SO confusing to someone looking in from the outside and trying to get into a Linux OS. So just looking for some beginner friendly help and explaining of how this all works. Thanks