Query failed: disk I/O error


New Member
Aug 31, 2020
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Hi everyone,

I'm new here so forgive me if I posted this in the wrong section.
We decided to switch our web server and game servers from windows to linux (ubuntu 20.04) and yesterday we started transitting everything.
The webserver and ftp server are configured correctly and working but we are having some trouble with our gameservers.

We use sqlite3 as a saving system for our game (multiplayer) but are having some trouble with linux.
Yesterday, we had this error 1 time and increased the mtu on our side which seemed to solve it. We were able to normally connect/login/play on the linux server. I accidently did something along the line of sudo chown / resulting in the entire permissions being messed up.

Today I have reinstalled everything, website and ftp are running. But the gameserver is giving us trouble again. Increasing the mtu doesn't work anymore at this point so my guess is that it was a coincidince.

Now what I think of here is an permissions issue.
Why? Well, when I fire up the server, it doesn't run any query at all (i/o fail) but if I close, start again by using sudo this time. It does a part of the query's and once the server starts it's giving i/o fails.

[19:39:41] [db_log_queries]: SELECT * FROM NPCS WHERE ID = '2'
[19:39:41] [db_log_queries]: SELECT * FROM NPCS WHERE NAME = 'Jason_Greybrook'
[19:39:41] [npc:join] Jason_Greybrook has joined the server (597:
[19:39:41] [db_log_queries]: SELECT * FROM NPCS WHERE ID = '3'
[19:39:41] Connected NPCs: 3
[19:39:41] Trees loaded: 236 out of 500
[19:39:41] ----------------------------------
[19:39:41]   UW:RP - Beta 1.0
[19:39:41] ----------------------------------
[19:39:42] [db_log_queries]: SELECT * FROM NPCS WHERE ID = '1'
[19:39:42] [Warning] db_query: Query failed: disk I/O error
[19:39:42] [Error] db_num_rows(): invalid result handle 0
[19:39:42] [Error] db_free_result(): invalid result handle 0
[19:39:42] [db_log_queries]: SELECT * FROM NPCS WHERE ID = '3'

At 19:39:41, the server is fully started. Which is confirmed by the Beta 1.0 message. After this, the queries stop working.

One of the main reasons I think it's a permission issue is that when I don't use sudo to fire up the server, the queries above beta message will fail too.

The problem can't be on our end since it works perfectly on windows. That's why I think it's an issue with permissions.
Does anyone have any idea's what we could try to get it working and is there any one who knows what the disk i/o error means here?

Not exactly sure what you mean. How can I show these permissions? User that starts the gameserver owns the directories where the sqlite DB is present.
Dear @neskepi
is ls -la what you are referring to?
This is the output:
drwxrwxrwx  4 jasper uwrp     4096 aug 31 16:40 .
drwxrwxrwx 11 jasper jasper   4096 aug 31 14:59 ..
drwxrwxrwx  2 jasper uwrp    12288 aug 31 14:59 aka
drwxrwxrwx  2 jasper uwrp     4096 aug 31 14:59 backup
-rwxrwxrwx  1 jasper uwrp   592896 aug 31 17:21 zarpdb.db

So, jasper and uwrp are both different users with their own group.
jasper:jasper - user that should start gameserver and at same time ftp user
uwrp:uwrp - root user

I can see the owner is jasper uwrp above (zarpdb.db).
And I think this is the cause of the issue I'm having?
Last edited:
Dear @neskepi
is ls -la what you are referring to?
This is the output:
drwxrwxrwx  4 jasper uwrp     4096 aug 31 16:40 .
drwxrwxrwx 11 jasper jasper   4096 aug 31 14:59 ..
drwxrwxrwx  2 jasper uwrp    12288 aug 31 14:59 aka
drwxrwxrwx  2 jasper uwrp     4096 aug 31 14:59 backup
-rwxrwxrwx  1 jasper uwrp   592896 aug 31 17:21 zarpdb.db

So, jasper and uwrp are both different users with their own group.
jasper:jasper - user that should start gameserver and at same time ftp user
uwrp:uwrp - root user

I can see the owner is jasper uwrp above (zarpdb.db).
And I think this is the cause of the issue I'm having?
yes, that could be the culprit, try changing ownership with "chown jasper.jasper
zarpdb.db" and see if that works
yes, that could be the culprit, try changing ownership with "chown jasper.jasper
zarpdb.db" and see if that works

That should be

sudo chown jasper:jasper zarpdb.db

It's a colon : between jasper and jasper


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