Hey so I made a bit of a boo boo the other day. Im running the latest version of Linux Mint. The other day I was using Pycharm and something pulled me away from the computer. I left it on thinking Id be back soon. Unfortunately I was gone for hours and it was left un monitored. When I did get back It was basically locked up. The mouse was barely moving and keys and clicks werent doing anything. So I had to do a hard shut down. Not sure why It acted like that. I do have a pretty old setup but that still doesnt normally happen. Hope it wasnt a virus or something. Anyway ever since then I have not been able to open Pycharm. I keep getting this error message " Start Failed: Could connect to already running IDE. Esception: Process 2 still running." I dont see any pycharm processes running in the task manager nor with terminal "ps aux | grep pycharm". Whats going on? Should I just try a reinstall?