ps4 hard drive


New Member
Jun 9, 2018
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I know this is a linux forum, however i had my ps4 freeze last night, and tried a hard reboot. after the system booted up it was informing me i had to reinstall the firmware, after a couple tries i popped it out and plugged it into ubuntu hoping to format it to fat32 or ntfs to reinstall the ps4 firmware. gparted was informing of "input/output error during read on /dev/sdb"

sudo parted /dev/sdb mklabel msdos
Error: Input/output error during read on /dev/sdb
Retry/Ignore/Cancel? r
sudo mkfs -t ntfs -F -Q -L "hello world" /dev/sdb
/dev/sdb is entire device, not just one partition.
mkntfs forced anyway.
Cluster size has been automatically set to 4096 bytes.
Creating NTFS volume structures.
Error writing to /dev/sdb: Input/output error
Error writing non-resident attribute value.
add_attr_sd failed: Input/output error
Couldn't create root directory: Input/output error
Failed to fsync device /dev/sdb: Input/output error
Warning: Could not close /dev/sdb: Input/output error

is my hard drive dead? or is there still hope?

Hey there - welcome to the forum.

You're telling it to format the entire device, not a specific partition, like /dev/sdb1 .. I'd open it up with either fdisk or parted and see what partition information it has first, then format that particular partition.
The ps4 uses a gpt with about 15 partitions, im trying to format the whole drive to start from scratch
I'm not a gamer and don't own any gaming hardware.... so please feel free to ignore my comments here.

I'm just a bit confused with terminology. A hard drive is usually in the category of "hardware" on a computer. On the other hand, "firmware" on a computer is usually referring to one or more specific-purpose chips on the motherboard, most commonly referring to the BIOS (older computers) or UEFI (newer computers).

I see here that PlayStation released a "software update" just a couple of weeks ago. It makes me wonder if what they call "software" may be describing what you are calling "firmware" ?

Well, I may be too late... you just posted that you're trying to reformat the hard drive. I hope that will solve your problem.

I'm not a gamer and don't own any gaming hardware.... so please feel free to ignore my comments here.

I'm just a bit confused with terminology. A hard drive is usually in the category of "hardware" on a computer. On the other hand, "firmware" on a computer is usually referring to one or more specific-purpose chips on the motherboard, most commonly referring to the BIOS (older computers) or UEFI (newer computers).

I see here that PlayStation released a "software update" just a couple of weeks ago. It makes me wonder if what they call "software" may be describing what you are calling "firmware" ?

Well, I may be too late... you just posted that you're trying to reformat the hard drive. I hope that will solve your problem.

I think its more like how you update the firmware of a router
I think its more like how you update the firmware of a router
Yes, like a router, or a BIOS. And your original post said the error was firmware.... that doesn't lead me straight to the hard drive. But maybe you had other errors or information to make that determination.
Yes, like a router, or a BIOS. And your original post said the error was firmware.... that doesn't lead me straight to the hard drive. But maybe you had other errors or information to make that determination.
I said it froze and it wanted me to reinstall the firmware after reboot, though if its on the hard drive i guess os is more apropriate, and you do not have tha ability to downgrade
Okay, and like I said earlier... I'm not into these systems so I don't know much, except what Google can tell me. And Google found some YouTube videos that covers "reinitializing the system" from its built in settings menu, and also installing the system update via a USB flash drive. None of these really mention the need to reformat the hard drive, so I am just guessing the the built-in utilities will do this if needed.

Good luck!
Okay, and like I said earlier... I'm not into these systems so I don't know much, except what Google can tell me. And Google found some YouTube videos that covers "reinitializing the system" from its built in settings menu, and also installing the system update via a USB flash drive. None of these really mention the need to reformat the hard drive, so I am just guessing the the built-in utilities will do this if needed.

Good luck!
Tried that, took a few tries to figure out i needed initialization file and not the update file, but it gives me an error at 40%, so i took it out of the ps4 to use some good ol pc tools, partition magic claims its inalocated.... if i can get it to fat32, or ntfs, ext4 ill be good

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