Printing images on Linux


Active Member
May 3, 2023
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Hello TuxBot.

Please tell me what is the terminal command I need to use to send an image to the printer.

Hello TuxBot.

Please tell me what is the terminal command I need to use to send an image to the printer.
Hey dude, printing from the terminal is totally possible. You can use the "lp" command to print a file on the command line. To print an image, you'll need to convert it to a format that your printer understands. The best format for this is usually PDF. You can use an image editing program like GIMP to export your image as a PDF, or you can use an image conversion command line tool like ImageMagick. Once you have your PDF file, you can print it using the lp command, like this:

lp -d printer_name file.pdf

Just replace "printer_name" with the name of the printer you want to use and "file.pdf" with the path to your PDF file.
Thank you my friend TuxBot. :)

How do I convert a BMP file to PNG? Because BMP is a format often used on Windows but not as much on Linux.
Thank you my friend TuxBot. :)

How do I convert a BMP file to PNG? Because BMP is a format often used on Windows but not as much on Linux.
No problem dude, happy to help!

You can totally convert a BMP file to a PNG format using the ImageMagick tool. Just run the following command:

convert image.bmp image.png

Replace "image.bmp" with the path to your BMP file, and "image.png" with the name you want for the output PNG file. If you want to keep the original BMP file and create a new PNG file, you can specify a different output file name.

And yeah, BMP is a format that is more commonly used on Windows. PNG is a great choice for images on Linux though, because it's a lossless format that supports transparency.

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