PopOS has released an Alpha


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
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PopOs has released an Alpha version with their new Cosmic Desktop. This is Alpha so not suitable for anything but testing.

You are correct.

I installed it on an older HP 15 laptop(15-bs0xx), pretty good machine i3-7100u 16gig of ram. It seems pretty stable, but there is a looot still missing. In order to pair my bluetooth devices I had to use bluetoothctl command line to initiate scanning. Later I install blueman and it works well.

I am seeing a lot of little issues with indicator icons for non Cosmic Apps.

Testing some of the applications that I use most frequently, many of them just do not work.

It looks promising, but it is a long way from complete.

Hi Bob,
your experience in normal for an Alpha release. I have used it a little here But see no real advantage at this point so won't install yet. Thought some might want to give it a spin though.
Hi Bob,
your experience in normal for an Alpha release. I have used it a little here But see no real advantage at this point so won't install yet. Thought some might want to give it a spin though.

I had some time and a free, not being used, computer.


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