Hello. So I made a mistake. I was trying to move a folder with several files inside from downloads in my home directory to the system-root directory and like other times I wanted to move/configure things I get that friendly message stating not authorized or don’t have permissions. This is using PACMN file manager. I’ve tried right clicking, going through the File-Edit-View etc top menu options can’t figure how to basically use super user/elevated privileges. Out out a bit of frustration and haste I opened Konsel and entered: sudo chmod 766 / and hit enter, system froze up. I believe I was trying to do 755? Basically with the hope and assumption that owner would still be root but I would also gain these privileges for performing said and like tasks.
I hard rebooted manually, gave it an hour and booted it. First go it seemed ok but upon getting to the os theme screen it stopped. I will add a couple pics of messages I had/have. First one is upon hitting esc. I’m able to get into the grub cmd line, to try to fix the permissions correctly and I had to stop and ask you fine people for assistance. These look blurry in preview. I can fix if needed.
Thank you
I hard rebooted manually, gave it an hour and booted it. First go it seemed ok but upon getting to the os theme screen it stopped. I will add a couple pics of messages I had/have. First one is upon hitting esc. I’m able to get into the grub cmd line, to try to fix the permissions correctly and I had to stop and ask you fine people for assistance. These look blurry in preview. I can fix if needed.
Thank you