@Orsen .....and "Welcome" to the friendliest Linux forum on the web!
Um.....OK. Photoshop, huh? TBH, if you're looking for a Photoshop equivalent, it's something of a "no-brainer". Without a doubt, there's only one serious contender.....and that's the G.I.M.P (the GNU Image Manipulation Program).
You'll find the workflow is somewhat different, but for matching the power and capablility of the former, the G.I.M.P is the only one that really comes close. They're both raster graphics apps, and they both manipulate images in much the same way.......the biggest complaint from long-term PS users is that their cherished, long-used "workflow" doesn't translate directly from one to the other.
Menus/sub-menus are laid out differently. Functions are named differently, and may be grouped in different locations together. These are, however, minor niggles; it's just a case of learning where things are, and once you have, you'll be glad you took the trouble to do so.
I've been using the two of them alongside each other for many years. I actually bought CS2 back in the day, and used it for several years under Win XP. A year later, I started experimenting with the Windows port of the G.I.M.P - at the time, it was rather ham-strung compared to its Linux 'native' cousin, although it still served to give me an idea. I liked it, and persevered with it.
Fast-forward to today, and I've got so handy with the pair of 'em, I can switch apps mid-project & carry on without missing a beat. Yes, PS has a few tricks up its sleeve that are missing from the G.I.M.P, but then the latter has some unique functions not found in Photoshop. Swings & roundabouts; I use whatever's appropriate for the current project.
Fortunately, CS2 is one of the very last 'Creative Suites' that runs virtually 100% under WINE, the Linux-based Windows 'emulation' layer.....so I can use both here in "Puppy" Linux. I've been Windows-free for well over a decade; to tell the truth, I don't miss it one little bit.
Stick around. It's nice to have you on board. Swing by the
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