I have installed parrotOS 4.9 but i can't update,upgrade install TOR and more! Finding help, ONE choose is clear "W.I.P" !
that's is not "VERY VERY important person" but "WORKING IN PROGRESS"... and now, what i do while w.i.p in progressing?
I ask a little bit of attention: the documentation must progress with O.S because "power without control is nihil,OFF, no work
not expansive.... don't understand more!" Please! have somebody a little help?
that's is not "VERY VERY important person" but "WORKING IN PROGRESS"... and now, what i do while w.i.p in progressing?
I ask a little bit of attention: the documentation must progress with O.S because "power without control is nihil,OFF, no work
not expansive.... don't understand more!" Please! have somebody a little help?