Just like in general economics in the current times of garbage and one time use things, there is a need for alternative system; so i thought of linux as of communists in computer world. Unfortunately they are not. Why the hell they cannot support old versions for indefinite time as long as equipment on which they were installed exist? I mean support without stupid security, just functional web browser and basic apps like skype. Because If in order to use web you need to switch to a new version - it is impossible, everything goes to hell.
In communism, everything belongs to the government. Even your computer and OS.
..and you only get to browse or use what they approve of you to use.
Applications have very little to do with the operating system.
Chrome, Firefox, Chromium, Opera, lynx, Epiphany... these will run on almost almost OS
BSD, Windows... and Linux.
Zoom, Skype, Slack, Teams, pidgin, ... again these will run on virtually any OS.
It's not the OS's fault whether they continue support, charge fees, or decide not to support
that OS anymore.
Don't blame the OS. Blame the application(s).