OS and Pacemaker Versions:
PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:suse:sles_sap:12:sp4"
pacemakerd --version
Pacemaker 1.1.19+20181105.ccd6b5b10-3.16.1
corosync -v
Corosync Cluster Engine, version '2.3.6'
When cluster resources are running on glbgvldbies01, everything is fine, but when glbgvldbies01 is rebooted or down for some reason, the resource are not able to start on glbgvldbies02, We are getting the following error
Resource showing as "unrunnable start (blocked)"
node 1: glbgvldbies02
node 2: glbgvldbies01 \ attributes maintenance=off
primitive nfs_filesystem Filesystem \ params device="" directory="/usr/sap/IAV" fstype=nfs options="rw,vers=4,minorversion=1,hard,timeo=600,rsize=262144,wsize=262144,intr,noatime,lock,_netdev,sec=sys" \ op stop timeout=30s interval=0 \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=20s \ op start timeout=30s interval=0 \ meta target-role=Started migration-threshold=1
primitive azure_lb_health_probe azure-lb \ params port=61000
primitive pri-ip_vip_10.4 IPaddr2 \ params ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=eth0 \ op monitor interval=0
primitive pri-javid_systemd systemd:javid \ op start timeout=60 interval=0 \ op stop timeout=60 interval=0 \ op monitor timeout=60 interval=10
primitive stonith-sbd stonith:external/sbd \ params pcmk_delay_max=30s \ meta target-role=Started \ op start interval=0
group grp-javid_systemd-azure_lb-vip_63 pri-javid_systemd azure_lb_health_probe pri-ip_vip_63 \ meta target-role=Started migration-threshold=1
colocation col_grp-sqpiq_nfs-filesystem inf: grp-javid_systemd-azure_lb-vip_63 nfs_filesystem
order ord_grp-sqpiq_nfs-filesystem inf: nfs_filesystem grp-javid_systemd-azure_lb-vip_63
property cib-bootstrap-options: \ have-watchdog=false \ dc-version="1.1.19+20181105.ccd6b5b10-3.16.1-1.1.19+20181105.ccd6b5b10" \ cluster-infrastructure=corosync \ cluster-name=cls_iqdb_iav \ stonith-enabled=true \ last-lrm-refresh=1589290714 \ no-quorum-policy=ignore
rsc_defaults rsc-options: \ resource-stickiness=1000
op_defaults op-options: \ timeout=600 \ record-pending=true
Pacemaker Log:
PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:suse:sles_sap:12:sp4"
pacemakerd --version
Pacemaker 1.1.19+20181105.ccd6b5b10-3.16.1
corosync -v
Corosync Cluster Engine, version '2.3.6'
When cluster resources are running on glbgvldbies01, everything is fine, but when glbgvldbies01 is rebooted or down for some reason, the resource are not able to start on glbgvldbies02, We are getting the following error
Resource showing as "unrunnable start (blocked)"
node 1: glbgvldbies02
node 2: glbgvldbies01 \ attributes maintenance=off
primitive nfs_filesystem Filesystem \ params device="" directory="/usr/sap/IAV" fstype=nfs options="rw,vers=4,minorversion=1,hard,timeo=600,rsize=262144,wsize=262144,intr,noatime,lock,_netdev,sec=sys" \ op stop timeout=30s interval=0 \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=20s \ op start timeout=30s interval=0 \ meta target-role=Started migration-threshold=1
primitive azure_lb_health_probe azure-lb \ params port=61000
primitive pri-ip_vip_10.4 IPaddr2 \ params ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=eth0 \ op monitor interval=0
primitive pri-javid_systemd systemd:javid \ op start timeout=60 interval=0 \ op stop timeout=60 interval=0 \ op monitor timeout=60 interval=10
primitive stonith-sbd stonith:external/sbd \ params pcmk_delay_max=30s \ meta target-role=Started \ op start interval=0
group grp-javid_systemd-azure_lb-vip_63 pri-javid_systemd azure_lb_health_probe pri-ip_vip_63 \ meta target-role=Started migration-threshold=1
colocation col_grp-sqpiq_nfs-filesystem inf: grp-javid_systemd-azure_lb-vip_63 nfs_filesystem
order ord_grp-sqpiq_nfs-filesystem inf: nfs_filesystem grp-javid_systemd-azure_lb-vip_63
property cib-bootstrap-options: \ have-watchdog=false \ dc-version="1.1.19+20181105.ccd6b5b10-3.16.1-1.1.19+20181105.ccd6b5b10" \ cluster-infrastructure=corosync \ cluster-name=cls_iqdb_iav \ stonith-enabled=true \ last-lrm-refresh=1589290714 \ no-quorum-policy=ignore
rsc_defaults rsc-options: \ resource-stickiness=1000
op_defaults op-options: \ timeout=600 \ record-pending=true
Pacemaker Log:
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