MSFT has been paying Linux developers for quite a while now. At one point in my life, that's not a sentence I'd have expected to type - ever.
Though, I think we all forget that MSFT was once the leading reseller of Unix and had their own Unix.
That's right. Before MSFT had Windows, they had Unix. This is often forgotten - and it was still proprietary (as was most everything at the time) - but it was indeed a Unix.
It was called Xenix and you've likely never heard of it or have forgotten it completely. You can download it and install it today.

Web site: (not active) Origin: USA Category: Server Desktop environment: CLI Architecture: x86, PC/XT, PDP-11, Z8001, 68k Based on: UNIX Wikipedia: Xenix Media: Install The last version | Released: 3.

So, well... I suppose we might once have pictured MSFT supporting Linux at a high level. We probably didn't, but we could have... Once upon a time...
I searched YouTube and I haven't watched this yet - but it looks promising.
I'll go ahead and watch it now. If it turns out to be a poor link choice, I'll edit this comment to remove it.