Officially introducing myself


Active Member
Jul 2, 2023
Reaction score
I'm not much on talking about myself but I'll try to answer what is usually a leading question. Yes, I'm anonymous, since 2012. Back then you might say it was a different time, alot call it the golden age of hacking. I actually started on 4chan be crude and obnoxious for laughs. I became involved for the simple reason of righting what I thought were wrongs by our government. The abuse of power, corruption and stepping on people's rights. I don't really want to get into details but I will say I was questioned by both the FBI and the US Marshall Service, and yes it's as scary as it sounds. Now I have a regular job and do pentesting and network security for very small companies and home networks. I originally came here because I ran up against the wall getting my gpu to function properly and I'm no further than I was. I really admire the professional and polite way the experienced users are helping out those just learning. The distros I use or have used include Backtrack, Kali Linux, Debian and Ubuntu (for about a week, hated it). I have been able over the years to stablize Kali's rolling distro into something I can use everyday. I hope I can contribute to making the platform successful.

Ha, ha, 'bad boy' turns good! :)

(Thanks for your intro, good to know you're on 'our' side now.)
Welcome @ghostanon! Do you do any gaming on your system as the one you just bought is quite a beast!?
Right now aI'm not doing much of anything until I get this gpu situation figured out. I think I'm getting close. I updated my kernel and actually thought I had nailed until I got this back.

fatal error: cannot open file '/usr/lib/clc/gfx1100-amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d.bc': file doesn't start with bitcode header
Now I need a bitcode header.

But no, I have never acually owned a desktop, always been a laptop. I don't even use my xbox anymore. I built this hoping that I would be able to do quick password recovery andf also to be able to run multiple virtual machines without any issues. And yeah, minus the gpu hiccup I'm really happy with it. They had it built and shipped in just a couple weeks, lifetime warranty on the labor and was assured that switching to linux would no effect on any warranty. As soon as I can get this gpu working right i"ll be able to use all three monitors too. If you're ever looking check out clx gaming. They really good and their customer service is top notch.
Ha, ha, 'bad boy' turns good! :)

(Thanks for your intro, good to know you're on 'our' side now.)
Yeah, I wasn't down for spending time in federal prison. Especially nowadays, they'll throw you in a hole and no one will ever see you again. I'm getting older, I like peace and quiet. I caused plenty of chaos that was for sure. We even turned a Dept of Justice website into a game of asteroids. If you went to thei site and tapped up up-down down-left right-left right B-A it would bring it up. Then we announced it on twitter and so mahy people went there it crashed the site. There's a video on youtube of it somewhere.
Welcome aboard the USS Linux.
Yeah, I wasn't down for spending time in federal prison. Especially nowadays, they'll throw you in a hole and no one will ever see you again. I'm getting older, I like peace and quiet. I caused plenty of chaos that was for sure. We even turned a Dept of Justice website into a game of asteroids. If you went to thei site and tapped up up-down down-left right-left right B-A it would bring it up. Then we announced it on twitter and so mahy people went there it crashed the site. There's a video on youtube of it somewhere.
Congratulations on avoiding federal prison. It may not be a best practice to post about it in public forums if you are working as a professional in the field. In rare cases, your past can come back to bite you. Professional organizations frown on it. They also have strong ethics requirements and policies. This is friendly advice, nothing more.
Actually, no they don't. I've been asked multiple times by numeous differrent people why there aren't more blackhats who tun white and if I knew anyone that I could recommend. The growing trend in thinking is that if rhey are going to prevent this, they need the perspective of someone who has done it. Not only that, I've been referred and late hired simply because of my experience. Alot of companies are realizing that alot of the traditional hires don't have any practical application experience. I was at a place two weeks ago and I have a couple former not so lawful guys with me. We were hired because they didn't believe their security was as good as it was made out by the previous contractor. Basically they thought it was suspicous that they were able to stop it everytime. Let me tell you, it was amazing how weak it was. The code for their shipping software was not only extremety vulneratble but was exposed to the internet. We got in and then using a tool called chisel we were able topivot and go straight for their server back-ups. It was alot of stuff they couldn't predict, didn't know how to mitigate and had no idea unmtil it was over. They were thrilled and said "we need to know how a real life situation is going to unfold, you guys one of only a few using "alternatives" methods. I could go on forever but it is changing big time out there. Some companies have completely gotten reid of all the college and school requiements, they want people who can deliver results. There's obviously limit and some people you just cant't get insured, but I personally won't work with a team that has n't done some dirt. The big companies wil always hire the college grad that looks good on paper. But then again, they're the ones always getting breached.
Actually, no they don't. I've been asked multiple times by numeous differrent people why there aren't more blackhats who tun white and if I knew anyone that I could recommend.
Breaking the law pays more if you know the right people.
but it is changing big time out there. Some companies have completely gotten reid of all the college and school requiements,
It is nice to see that,
Different industry, but many years ago, one of my main suppliers was taken over by an American company, all of a sudden, the reps who had worked their way through the industry and up the greasy pole, started being replaced. The new owners insisted that the sales force all be uni grads, the problem is not one of them understood the products they were supposed to be selling, the correct use of the product, or even what accessories could be made in which of their 12 factories, I complained to the regional sales director, and the response was,, it's not my decision, its orders from above.
There is no substitute for experience, I will grant you that. Obviously you have a younger and different point of view about what customers value and how to market and sell your services. I made my point and will not discuss it further.
Right now aI'm not doing much of anything until I get this gpu situation figured out. I think I'm getting close. I updated my kernel and actually thought I had nailed until I got this back.

fatal error: cannot open file '/usr/lib/clc/gfx1100-amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d.bc': file doesn't start with bitcode header
Now I need a bitcode header.

But no, I have never acually owned a desktop, always been a laptop. I don't even use my xbox anymore. I built this hoping that I would be able to do quick password recovery andf also to be able to run multiple virtual machines without any issues. And yeah, minus the gpu hiccup I'm really happy with it. They had it built and shipped in just a couple weeks, lifetime warranty on the labor and was assured that switching to linux would no effect on any warranty. As soon as I can get this gpu working right i"ll be able to use all three monitors too. If you're ever looking check out clx gaming. They really good and their customer service is top notch.
Hi there,
I just wanted to talk about the importance of testing whilst updating gpu their is a website called mobile performance testing and I run a simple or complex test to re-evaluate my I.T system.
Also to note wether you have an administration approach or a administration privilege approach. so for example testing for security or not the running the test because of a root privilege for example.
With respect to selling and marketing products after much digging I came across Spekter a next generation solutions site
Would love to think this helps in any way.
kind regards.
Breaking the law pays more if you know the right people.
I wouldn't go quite that far. But it's nice to see the landscape changing where someone who has maybe been in some trouble and wouldn't always look good on paper has a chance to use the skills he's learned and make a living at it without the fear of your door getting kicked in.
Hi there,
I just wanted to talk about the importance of testing whilst updating gpu their is a website called mobile performance testing and I run a simple or complex test to re-evaluate my I.T system.
Also to note wether you have an administration approach or a administration privilege approach. so for example testing for security or not the running the test because of a root privilege for example.
With respect to selling and marketing products after much digging I came across Spekter a next generation solutions site
Would love to think this helps in any way.
kind regards.
The problem isn't testing or not, it's missing a specific file, not only that it's a bitcode header file which I have not been able to track down. I have the build file but I wasn't aware at the time it needed the bitcode. See below.
fatal error: cannot open file '/usr/lib/clc/gfx1100-amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d.bc': file doesn't start with bitcode header

And here's the first 50 lines of code that I have. There's hundeds more but you get the jist.

"enums": {
"BinMapMode": {
"entries": [
{"name": "BIN_MAP_MODE_NONE", "value": 0},
{"name": "BIN_MAP_MODE_RTA_INDEX", "value": 1},
{"name": "BIN_MAP_MODE_POPS", "value": 2}
"BinSizeExtend": {
"entries": [
{"name": "BIN_SIZE_32_PIXELS", "value": 0},
{"name": "BIN_SIZE_64_PIXELS", "value": 1},
{"name": "BIN_SIZE_128_PIXELS", "value": 2},
{"name": "BIN_SIZE_256_PIXELS", "value": 3},
{"name": "BIN_SIZE_512_PIXELS", "value": 4}
"BinningMode": {
"entries": [
{"name": "BINNING_ALLOWED", "value": 0},
{"name": "FORCE_BINNING_ON", "value": 1},
{"name": "DISABLE_BINNING_USE_NEW_SC", "value": 2},
{"name": "DISABLE_BINNING_USE_LEGACY_SC", "value": 3}
"BlendOp": {
"entries": [
{"name": "BLEND_ZERO", "value": 0},
{"name": "BLEND_ONE", "value": 1},
{"name": "BLEND_SRC_COLOR", "value": 2},
{"name": "BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR", "value": 3},
{"name": "BLEND_SRC_ALPHA", "value": 4},
{"name": "BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA", "value": 5},
{"name": "BLEND_DST_ALPHA", "value": 6},
{"name": "BLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA", "value": 7},
{"name": "BLEND_DST_COLOR", "value": 8},
{"name": "BLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR", "value": 9},
{"name": "BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE", "value": 10},
{"name": "BLEND_CONSTANT_COLOR", "value": 11},
{"name": "BLEND_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR", "value": 12},
{"name": "BLEND_SRC1_COLOR", "value": 13},
{"name": "BLEND_INV_SRC1_COLOR", "value": 14},
{"name": "BLEND_SRC1_ALPHA", "value": 15},
{"name": "BLEND_INV_SRC1_ALPHA", "value": 16},
{"name": "BLEND_CONSTANT_ALPHA", "value": 17},
{"name": "BLEND_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA", "value": 18}
Hi there,
I just wanted to talk about the importance of testing whilst updating gpu their is a website called mobile performance testing and I run a simple or complex test to re-evaluate my I.T system.
Also to note wether you have an administration approach or a administration privilege approach. so for example testing for security or not the running the test because of a root privilege for example.
With respect to selling and marketing products after much digging I came across Spekter a next generation solutions site
Would love to think this helps in any way.
kind regards.
I have administrator rights. I use sudo unless I am prompted to log in as root. Kali is a little different than alot of distros. Alot of the tools require to be used as root. General tasks can be done with administrator rights and sudo. Most people make the mistake of doing everything in root, but if you're downloading files or doing other work it will put it in the system root file path and you won't be able to use it as a user, even with admin and sudo.

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