Number of packages installed in Linux


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2021
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I am just curious, what are the average number of packages do folks typically have installed on their Linux machines? I've seen this question come up in Reddit a few times, most of the folks that respond are on Arch and it seems like a lot of them have under 2k in packages on their machines.

For me, on Fedora, I have around 2385 (RPM) and 2 (flatpaks) packages which includes pretty much everything I need for my day to day use, including gaming now. Also when I boot into Linux, I am around 1.2GB of memory utilization and it usually climbs to anywhere between 3-5GB on average if I dont use any VMs.

well i would look at it from this point of view , what packages did i intentionally install once my base OS was installed .
Now i can tell you exactly what i've installed since there is a command in Arch thats shows "explicitly" installed pkgs via packman and the name of the packages :
 pacman -Qen

i've got 290 but that includes xfce4 , since thats a choice on top of base OS and another half dozen AUR packages
If you are talking all packages including the ones of the base system, 1022 on my desktop. As for memory I have 32G available on my system and with usage it differs depending on what I'm doing: gaming(also differs per game how much memory I use), working, browsing the web or something else.
Last edited:
Packages: 2601 (dpkg), 13 (flatpak)
Memory: 1625MiB / 3794MiB
kgiii@kgiii:~$ dpkg -l | grep ii | wc -l

I end up installing a lot of stuff along the way, often to help someone or because I'm curious.

As for RAM, I let the system use all the RAM it wants. RAM is cheap and I bought it so that I can use it.
On my Mint 20.2 2694 plus 2 appimages that are not installed but used at times.
on .deb machines you can use this command to get the figure.
sudo dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W | wc -l
kgiii@kgiii:~$ dpkg -l | grep ii | wc -l

I end up installing a lot of stuff along the way, often to help someone or because I'm curious.

As for RAM, I let the system use all the RAM it wants. RAM is cheap and I bought it so that I can use it.
This command doesn't work.

dpkg -l | grep ii | wc -l

gives me 2167
This command doesn't work.

You gotta delete the System32 folder for it to work.

(I have no idea if that still exists in Windows.)

Also, I'm pretty sure you know not to do this.
Also, there's this article that will show you how to list your installed applications - and how to count 'em is in there.

I'd actually forgotten that I wrote that for the new site. I knew it existed on the old site. Man, my memory sucks.
You gotta delete the System32 folder for it to work.

(I have no idea if that still exists in Windows.)

Also, I'm pretty sure you know not to do this.
Yes, it does. Even on 64bit Windows. The irony is, there isn't a system64 directory. lol
Yes, it does. Even on 64bit Windows. The irony is, there isn't a system64 directory. lol

If you delete it, you can repair it by installing a Linux distro of your choice.

Soon... Soon you'll join us in using Linux on the desktop...

There's a HAL joke in here somewhere...

"But I want to keep using Windows."
"I can't let you do that, Dave."
If you delete it, you can repair it by installing a Linux distro of your choice.

Soon... Soon you'll join us in using Linux on the desktop...

There's a HAL joke in here somewhere...

"But I want to keep using Windows."
"I can't let you do that, Dave."
when you read that @dcbrown73 just imagine Strauss music in the background
There are too many people named "Dave" here on the forum. Well, there's a lot of 'em, not necessarily "too many".

Fortunately, I'm a "David, never Dave, thanks."

Anyhow, Dave is definitely here.
There are too many people named "Dave" here on the forum. Well, there's a lot of 'em, not necessarily "too many".

Fortunately, I'm a "David, never Dave, thanks."

Anyhow, Dave is definitely here.
I go by Dave, David, and a whole host of four-letter words.
I go by Dave, David, and a whole host of four-letter words.
when you have been married as long as I have you will answer to all and anything :eek:

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