Nighthawk 4.0: A restored open source arcade game, Requesting alpha testers


New Member
Oct 20, 2020
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Hello all,

This is my first post on this forum, and a return to the Linux community. Things have changed a bit since USENET and :)

I have restored an open source X-Windows arcade game I wrote in the 1990s called Nighthawk, which is based on a Commodore 64 game called Paradroid. Below are some demonstration videos of this game:

During this game's restoration, it has been modernised to use OpenGL and OpenAL libraries. Before I unleash this restored game to the public, I would like a handful of people to test it. Testers only need to be able to pull down required libraries using their favourite software manager and have basic shell command skills (ie: running cmake and make commands). This game has been developed using these library versions. Consider them minimum requirements. For versions less than specified, mileage may vary:

- gcc and g++ (Version 7)
- cmake 3.13.4
- glibc 2.28 (pthreads and maths library)
- pkg-config 0.29.1
- libpng 1.6.36
- OpenGL/GLU 1.3
- FreeGLUT 3.2.1
- Ogg Vorbis 1.3.6
- OpenAL 1.19.1

PM me if you're interested in helping



That looks really cool! Nice work! I'm not a programmer maybe somebody on the forums is willing to help you out. Be sure to post an introduction the introduction section, that way you can meet some of the other members.
As a fellow programmer - I'd be happy to take a look.

I remember co-creating an infinite lives poke/cheat for the original C64 version of paradroid back in the day! Ha ha!

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