New to Linux OS always knew about it but never really started to look into it till now. Running a dual boot Windows 10/Linux Mint 19.1 with ASUS K53E 237 gb with 8 gb of ram. I'm a fan of both systems and Also Android and Chrome OS. Meh.. on apple products good systems just not my bag.
I'm not a super computer geek at all but I installed these systems my self
I'm a Nissan Technician by trade and a wanna be geek in my free time. I'm a car guy by nature Nissan 240sx.
I'm just here to learn the ways of the Linux. Just purchased Essential Linux Command Line to hopefully gain some good pointers. Currently just installed LInux and It was pretty easy.
I just followed this link and got a scan disk 16 GB thumb drive Partitioned my drive and here I am.
I'm loving this new to me system that I heard about 20 years ago.yes I'm old I guess @ 40 .
I still skateboard when my back lets me lol!
I always try to research my interests best I can, I grew up without YouTube so I had to read.
For the $8.00 thumb drive I invested in at walmart to the download you can't beat this OS it's free and solid.
I wish I never bought all those windows disks through out the years but oh well what do you do. hehe
Well my hands are cramping gotta go take my meds seems like a nice forum hope to have fun in here soon.
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this is my car and that's me driving![]()
I have never had any computer training in my life just read a lot on the web. you can learn so much more today then when we all grew up .Hey, I just joined the site as well, I still have not even tried any Linux yet. I am so undesicive in many ways. I am wanting a secure system, not for hacking, but I am big into my informational awarenes and read of all the stories from Git and other sources of the many ways people play games and ruin so many people. I enjoy browsing the internet, I drive truck for a living from Florida to California every week as well as go to school full time while still trying to hurry back home to spend with my wife and child for only 34 hours and getting back onto the road.
I use to be a bit of a gamer when I first got on the road, but here lately for the past three years, I have not even loaded a single game onto a Alienware 15 R3 that has a Intel(R) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz with for now only 16.0 GB of memory with a 3rd 1TB Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus. I only took a few classes in A+ and C++ back in the Army in 2008 after going in for Signal Support System Specialist and thought is was going to be all about computers and information and hacking, but it came down to it at my first duty station I was just the damn radio repair man. I didn't touch a computer after that until here in the last 6 years.
I don't have her anymore had to sell it. but been looking at BRZ latley .... I hear they are much like the 240sx . As far as getting into the road course stuff anyways. thanks though I do miss the old gal.nice Silvia you got there, one of my favorites
I got a dozen or so cars, trucks and bikes,
tinker with computers when its too cold in the garage