New to the Linux


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Jan 4, 2019
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New to Linux OS always knew about it but never really started to look into it till now. Running a dual boot Windows 10/Linux Mint 19.1 with ASUS K53E 237 gb with 8 gb of ram. I'm a fan of both systems and Also Android and Chrome OS. Meh.. on apple products good systems just not my bag.
I'm not a super computer geek at all but I installed these systems my self ;)
I'm a Nissan Technician by trade and a wanna be geek in my free time. I'm a car guy by nature Nissan 240sx.

I'm just here to learn the ways of the Linux. Just purchased Essential Linux Command Line to hopefully gain some good pointers. Currently just installed LInux and It was pretty easy.
I just followed this link and got a scan disk 16 GB thumb drive Partitioned my drive and here I am.
I'm loving this new to me system that I heard about 20 years ago. :D yes I'm old I guess @ 40 .
I still skateboard when my back lets me lol!

I always try to research my interests best I can, I grew up without YouTube so I had to read.:eek:
For the $8.00 thumb drive I invested in at walmart to the download you can't beat this OS it's free and solid.
I wish I never bought all those windows disks through out the years but oh well what do you do. hehe
Well my hands are cramping gotta go take my meds seems like a nice forum hope to have fun in here soon.

this is my car and that's me driving :)

G'day xXNORDXx and Welcome to Linux .org

When I gave windows the boot...I used the discs as frisbees aiming for the fireplace.

Like yourself I researched and questioned and generally looked everywhere....then I just got fed up and wiped windows by installing Linux only.

I have Linux mint (cinnamon) 18.3 I started with LM 17.1 a few years ago

Love the car !....i am hoping to buy a Nissan X Trail in a few months time (I will be back in Australia by then).....I will buy second hand...hopefully a 2011 or 2012 model...depending on the budget at the time !

The best way to lear Linux is to use it. If it crashes....start again.

You will find Timeshift in Linux 19.1....just click on Menu...the type Timeshift is well worth spending a little time with it. You will need an external Hard drive to create 'snapshots' on.

Timeshift does absorb a bit of at least 200gb

if your Linux crashes/poops itself....Timeshift will have you back up and running in no time at all.

They are a good crowd will enjoy yourself.
...and a wanna be geek in my free time.

That is a noble ambition. Didn't Jesus say "The Geek will inherit the earth?" I am not sure, my hearing was starting to go, even 2,000 years ago, my corns were hurting standing on that mountainside, and all we got for our efforts was loaves and fishes ... where's Subway when you need it?

(Wizard appears in a puff of smoke, complaining as usual)

G'day Mate, and welcome, a little Aussie humour there :)

Nice car.

Which DE (Desktop Edition) on 'Tessa'? - MATE, Cinnamon or Xfce?

Lol, I see Brian is in in on the act. Hi Brian ;)

Chris Turner
Hi Chris......Brian is always 'in on the act'...
G'day xXNORDXx and Welcome to Linux .org

When I gave windows the boot...I used the discs as frisbees aiming for the fireplace.

Like yourself I researched and questioned and generally looked everywhere....then I just got fed up and wiped windows by installing Linux only.

I have Linux mint (cinnamon) 18.3 I started with LM 17.1 a few years ago

Love the car !....i am hoping to buy a Nissan X Trail in a few months time (I will be back in Australia by then).....I will buy second hand...hopefully a 2011 or 2012 model...depending on the budget at the time !

The best way to lear Linux is to use it. If it crashes....start again.

You will find Timeshift in Linux 19.1....just click on Menu...the type Timeshift is well worth spending a little time with it. You will need an external Hard drive to create 'snapshots' on.

Timeshift does absorb a bit of at least 200gb

if your Linux crashes/poops itself....Timeshift will have you back up and running in no time at all.

They are a good crowd will enjoy yourself.

Thanks for the heads up I have been addicted to figuring this OS out for 2 days now.
That is a noble ambition. Didn't Jesus say "The Geek will inherit the earth?" I am not sure, my hearing was starting to go, even 2,000 years ago, my corns were hurting standing on that mountainside, and all we got for our efforts was loaves and fishes ... where's Subway when you need it?

(Wizard appears in a puff of smoke, complaining as usual)

G'day Mate, and welcome, a little Aussie humour there :)

Nice car.

Which DE (Desktop Edition) on 'Tessa'? - MATE, Cinnamon or Xfce?

Lol, I see Brian is in in on the act. Hi Brian ;)

Chris Turner

This version is Mate i will update the sig
Timeshift does absorb a bit of at least 200gb

Just to qualify that - depends on how you schedule or don't. I have 30 Linux on this Dell Inspiron lappie, and it still takes up only 300 out of 400 GB (I run about 80 Linux, so talk to me about "addicted", lol)



Seems like this Thread is the place to be, so I'll catch up, break open a beer and be back.

So Chris and Brian my name is Tobey from USA . Wow That's quite the screen shot there lol! I would get so confused.
I think i will stick with one. haha!
Don't get Brian started on MATE vs Cinnamon, lol. I cut my Linux Mint teeth on LM 17.0 'Qiana' MATE in 2014, but I am open to all flavours, each has its merits.

With Timeshift, I have a Tute here

... which has a lot in it, there is also an excellent (short) summary in the help manual of Linux Lite, found here

If you have questions on TS, swing over to my Tute and ask, Brian and I or someone will be along.

I need to get a bigger hard-drive to play with you guys (NO HOMO) haha! sorry drinking beer .
Good to say g'day to you, Tobey
looks like I have a lot of reading to do. thanks mate's for pointing me in the right direction!
Nice to meet you, Tobey :)

Last thing before I get on my broomstick or magic carpet and visit elsewhere and that is firewall.

Go to Terminal (Ctrl-Alt-t is a shortcut) and enter

sudo ufw enable

and enter. You will be rewarded with a message that the Uncomplicated FireWall (ufw) is now enabled (real time, in your session) and will be enabled and run at each startup/reboot.



BTW - just read your latest, that space can be worked with, with Timeshift. If you need help with partitioning or space rationalisation, just start a thread in Getting Started or General Linux, or with Timeshift-specific questions go to the Tute. Timeshift will/can pull your arse out of the fire more times than you've had hot dinners, and as Brian says. compared to Windows Restore "it actually works!"
Oh, and get some sleep :):) - 12:39 am in Topeka

I was like a kid in a toy store when I found Linux - still am, but it will be there tomorrow.

So that's where my IP pings to Topeka? hahaha! I'm in Kansas City. To all a great night !
nismo2@nismo2-K53E:~$ sudo ufw enable
[sudo] password for nismo2:
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup

Holy shit Thanks!
Well, I wasn't coming back here (gotta get my girl up from her nap and start cooking tea [dinner])

But I've got it now, with the userid

You're gonna love Linux, there are some good "performance cars" and depending on how keen you are you can "get under the hood" :D

All free - how good is that?


if you are going to get another HD....invest in s SSD. The speed will amaze you

Use an ordinary hdd to store music and pics and all that crap on
Hello xXNORDXx,

Welcome to and the adventure of Linux.

I still have my Windows OS installation discs because I do Flight Simulator X and X Plane Flight Simulator so I got to have my Windows XP offline.

I cut my Linux teeth on Debian Wheezy and then Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr before the end of Windows XP.

All of my Linux computers are others discarded Windows computers which I turn into Frankenstein builds so no telling what kinda hardware will be inside of them.

I use several different Linux distros my main driver is Lubuntu 18.04 LTS and Antix 17.1 both which are small resource users.

I still drive a 1965 Chevy Impala SS and a 1967 Ford F100 and the Wife drives the new car a 1970 Chevelle Malibu.

We are both retired and in our middle sixties with aches and pains and a hitch in our get-along but Life is Good. :cool:

The important thing with Linux is to enjoy and have fun with Linux while learning Linux.
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As of right now I have a Ssd drive it's the
if you are going to get another HD....invest in s SSD. The speed will amaze you

Use an ordinary hdd to store music and pics and all that crap on
I have an Ssd hybrid drive right now (the guy I bought the PC from installed it)and it works great. Yeah when I upgrade I'm going with something better like a straight SSD. Already maxed out the ram.

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