New to linux and its softwear


New Member
Jan 25, 2025
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I was told I would be able to ask questions here. I'm new to all of this and I want to install Linux kodachi on my lap top and I'm unsure where I do that and how I purchas it.

G'day GREENPIONER, Welcome to

As a general rule, Linux is free ....It does not require a purchase.

This page on DistrWatch will give you a brief outline.

Apparently Kodachi is based on ubuntu 18 and has a vpn and various bits an pieces added to it to bolster its security

Ubuntu 18.04 had its End of Life in 2023. Its life is extended , security wise, by adding the vpn, tor and dns encryption etc etc to it

There simpler ways to have a secure experience with Linux, and perhaps not as complex as that particular one.
Kodachi may end up being somewhat slow ....wieghed down with all that software added on. The tor network is notorious for slowing an OS down

Seeing you are new, I would start with something much more straightforward, and if feel the need you can add Tor and a vpn at your leisure.

The most important thing to look for in a new Operating System is support

If the OS has very little support that leaves you with very few people to talk to about problems

Have a look at the most popular distros on Distro Watch. That will tell you a lot.

In the meantime, you might like to tell us what pc you have and what specs it, ram, brand if a laptop, model, cpu etc etc .....That will give us an idea of what your pc is capable of running

Also what you use your pc for......just normal browsing, games, writing etc etc etc
Welcome to the forums, echoing what my friend has said, Linux is inherently more secure than Windows, you could start with something like Mint LMDE and add the extra features you want or go for something like Parrot HOME edition which is slightly more secure and includes anonsurf OTB for further online security, but as always no system is 100% secure and the weakest point is between the seat back and keyboard.

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