Networking Tutorials and Articles



I am new to the basic concepts of networking.

Can anyone recommend lins to articles and tutorials that I can read to further my understanding of networking?

I am trying to build a web server with CentOS using a dynamic ip address and the topic of networking and apache is my main concern right now.


this depends how much you want to go into the understanding of Linux and/or Networking. Both are different World, which meet from time to time.

If you just like to have a small HowTo for CentOS regard this you should search for CentOS with Apache and for later DynDNS (Didn't found something so quick). I guess this is you real intention. If not, correct me.

You should care about your firewall and just allow a simple port forwarding. Keep it as simple as possible.
Ensure first! That you Apache Configuration is stable/secure (not able to access e.g /etc/shadow or something)

Apache Documentaion
CentOS + Apache HowTo

This Links should be helpful.

so far

PS: This is basic web, Networking goes into a different direction. Networking is for me build and maintain (IP) Networks.

Do you know the difference between a public and private ip address or

the difference between RFC1918 or RFC3330
Thank you for these links, Akendo. Very helpful.
Also animaguy, I am looking into rfc1918 and rfc1330. They appear to be different allocations for various IP Address ranges. I will look more into this.

Do you know the difference between a public and private ip address or

the difference between RFC1918 or RFC3330

Sure, forgot to mention this. Thank you. Very important as well. Great that we could help you. Looking forward to here of any result.

Good Luck!

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