Interestingly, the current version here of fastfetch already offers 404 logos that a user can select which range over the distro's logos.
[ben@min ~]$ fastfetch --list-logos
Builtin logos:
1) "Adélie" "Adelie"
2) "aerOS"
3) "Afterglow"
4) "aix"
5) "almalinux"
6) "alpine" "alpinelinux" "alpine-linux"
7) "alpine_small" "alpine-linux-small"
8) "alpine2_small" "alpine-linux2-small"
9) "Alter"
10) "Amazon"
11) "Amazon Linux" "amzn"
12) "AmogOS"
13) "Anarchy"
29) "arch" "archlinux" "arch-linux" "archmerge"
30) "arch2" "archlinux2" "arch-linux2"
31) "arch_small" "archlinux_small" "arch-linux-small"
32) "ARCHlabs"
33) "ArchStrike"
34) "artix" "artixlinux" "artix-linux"
399) "Xenia"
400) "Xferience"
401) "Xray_OS"
402) "YiffOS"
403) "zorin" "zorin-linux" "zorinos" "zorinos-linux"
404) "z/OS" "zos"
For example, in the following image there are 3 different logos from the defaults offered by fastfetch:
View attachment 22961
It's also possible to include custom logos such as in the following image:
View attachment 22962
In this latter case, the logo.txt file used in the command is a text file of ascii characters created in a terminal. There are numerous such free and available ascii images online, one of which I selected of the cat as proof of concept. Creatively, it's virtually limitless.