New Member
no, i wrote it myself, i picked ideas from here and there and the result is this script
do what?I get curious about why people do this...
do what?I get curious about why people do this...
well what did you use the script for?no, i wrote it myself, i picked ideas from here and there and the result is this script
do what?
Tesseract is probably the best but also look into gImageReader is a graphical client for the Tesseract OCR engine - have a look here about it -'m looking for an OCR program for Mint, Tesseract OCR looks to be the one I'm needing, has anyone used it?
I have it installed, I thought I read the tutorial very well, but apparently I was mistaken...Imagine that.
Long question short...How do I launch or use it, it says via terminal, I input everything, but here I am with that deer in the headlights gaze.
Where am I messing up?
Thanks, I can't do anything until after Wednesday, my week of doctors appointments.Tesseract is probably the best but also look into gImageReader is a graphical client for the Tesseract OCR engine - have a look here about it -
Thank Youhere's my little script that works well with the i3 wm
Bash:#!/usr/bin/env bash langs=(eng ara chi_sim chi_tra deu ell fin heb hun jpn kor nld rus tur) lang=$(printf '%s\n' "${langs[@]}" | dmenu "$@") maim -us | tesseract --dpi 145 -l eng+${lang} - - | xsel -bi #grim -g "$(slurp)" - | tesseract --dpi 145 -l eng+${lang} - - | wl-copy
uncomment the line starting with `grim`, and comment the line starting with `maim` if you are using sway