multiple login enteries



when I remotely login a debian linux server, and type "who". it displays that I have two login entries. I rebooted all my local machines, but it still shows two entries.

How can I terminate the old one entry?


Don't try! Don't even think about it!

One means you have logged in - tty
The other means you have opened a Terminal from the x-window - pts/0

If you open e.g. 3 Terminals and then issue the command: who
You will see: tty and pts/0, pts/1, pts/2...

When you close all Terminals the pts/X will disappear

luzar@ubuntu:~$ who
root tty1 2009-07-06 22:06
luzar tty7 2009-07-06 19:17 :)0)
luzar pts/0 2009-07-06 21:28 :)0.0)
The example above shows two users logged in the Linux system. We can see current users in the system's username are root who logged in tty1 and luzar who's using terminal 7 (tty7), which we know it's the x-window system. The other terminal is pts/0 also by a user named luzar, which means he opened a terminal from x-window.
