Mouse problems


New Member
Dec 17, 2024
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Hello, my name is Dominik. Ive downloaded linux on my gaming laptop because windows kept deleting my drivers and my laptop was not functional. As I have this 6 year old gaming laptop, I play some basic games. When im playing some games I use my track pad and the laptops keyboard. When i push any key on my keyboard, the mouse gets stuck and it doesnt want to move until i relese the key or click on my track pad again, but if i do that the mouse starts working but when i let go off a key, the mouse gets stuck again. I dont know if its a problem with my settings, or Linux OS, or the game but its just annoying when im playing a shooting game or a horror game and i lose many times and lose my progress. I like linux and I dont want to download windows again, can anyone help me? I would be grateful.

You need a little more info like Distro, make of laptop, HID info, etc.

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