modifying Linux kernel code


New Member
Jun 14, 2019
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I am working on a project to modify few lines of code in glibc. How can i examine if my modified code is working or not? Is compiling the kernel is necessary? Even if I need to compile, how to do it. I am newbie in linux kernel. Please help
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Thank you sir for your reply. I am doing this to improvise the code, if possible... I am a student doing my MCA. So i am doing this as part of our project. Please guide me through.
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Hello @Nath and welcome to

We cannot do your homework or assignments for you. We cannot do your course for you.

You have to do that.

Ask your Teacher or Professor or Tutor for some leads and references to look at, and he or she will help.

Thanks to the helpfulness of @alkion , you have a lead to start with, but that is all we can provide.

I hope you understand.

Good luck

Chris Turner
Hello sir, thank you for your reply. I wasn't asking anyone lto do my "assignments or homeworks " for me. That i believe i can do by myself. All i was asking just some helpful insights. I think i am in a wrong place. Sorry for causing you trouble.
Don't take offence where none is intended, Nath :)

I had to Google up

MCA course India

to learn what an MCA is, Google is great.

Getting Started is certainly not the place for you to be, unless you have not ever used Linux before.

Take a look at our Forums tab on the navigation bar - perhaps Dev-ops or General Computing?

Did you take a look at the article that @alkion linked to? It looks interesting.

