mental well being and coping strategies


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2019
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Nobody for sure knows where this is going to go so I thought I should add a T&C.

[ Readers should be warned that content may be profound or disturbing to the status quo, readers should preferably be aged 18 and over; must have a sense of humor and that since everyone is actually responsible for their feelings, contributors are not liable in any way]

I've been under considerable strain last two years due to Wife's illness with two young kids and no family support network U.K ; its one of the reasons we are headed Ghana . Thought i would just put this thread down ..trouble shared is trouble ½

Topics that might be addressed could be " suppressed anger" , " trauma as a child, you don't remember but is expressing itself today", "depression" , " cognitive behavior therapy" can bring in metaphysics if you like , any one heard of Emmet Fox ?
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Andy is one step ahead of me (not hard to be, given there are tortoises who can run laps around me).

He and I had been discussing this subject recently, and I had undertaken to start a Thread in the near future. He has taken up the gauntlet, which is great and to be commended, as readers could be forgiven for getting tired of "hearing" my mouth engaged in gear :p

I have 8 clinically diagnosed mental disorders, being -
  • (Adult) ADD-ADHD
  • Agoraphobia
  • Asperger's Syndrome
  • Narcissism
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Panic Disorder
  • Paranoia
  • Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
I am 62, but not diagnosed until I was 44.

any one heard of Emmet Fox ?

Name rings a bell, tell us more.

Thank you Andy for being up front, and for being such an asset (not a handicap) to this site ;)

We should promote you from Captain to General.

Cheers all, and it's Friday here in Oz, so


Chris Turner
I've been a Friend of Bill W's for a while, now. That's why the name Emmett Fox struck a weak chord. Found some info and links I'll share.

Regarding Fox and AA.
Which references Henry Drummond's The Greatest Thing In The World.

Since hard physical work is what I did in my younger years, regular physical exercise is a must for me when dealing with stress. Supplements like Eleuthero and American Ginseng help tame the physical aspect of it, when coupled with exercise.

I must go to Nature, away from people, to find some sort of what others call 'meditation.' I call it 'quieting the shitty commitee in my mind.' Also, I must find a way to do something for others.

Some say prayer is talking with the Spirit of the Universe and meditation is listening for the answer. Spirituality is NOT religion. I rejected the latter long ago. I NEED the former. But it requires action.

Linux is an avocation which stemmed from working on Sun workstations in GIS. Now it is a form of communicaion -- a tool by which I may help others if I am spiritually fit. But it's not the only one I must use to keep my sanity.

The latter is more and more a necessity in this modern world, which throughout history has tended to separate humans from their source, IMO.

Trouble shared is trouble halved -- correct. How one shares it makes a big difference. Courage is required, as is Wisdom, which comes from a source we cannot name nor perceive through physical means.

More power to you, captain-sensible!
just picked up on thread Bill W ? will google , shame it wasn't Bill Gates though . Then we would all ask to connect to you via facebook or other. The AA connection with Emmet Fox is of no interest to me since drinking isn't a problem. Around the year by Emmet Fox is quite thoughtful. Currently cross referencing thoughts and ideas with a reiki master friend of mine. So far neither of us has had much success with metaphysics
Name rings a bell, tell us more.
Emmet Fox was a new age thinker very big at one time in the USA ; who deciphered the Bible . If nothing else he suggests meanings to statements in the bible that otherwise doesn't make much sense.

He poses questions on things like , if you can tweak your feelings towards more +ve will things work out better for you. I.e Can the tail wag the dog, that sort of thinking.
talking to a neighbor yesterday over fence, who has some knowledge of people with Aspergers. he reckons he can see aspergers in me to a degree? I have never had it diagnosed by a Doctor but that might explain a few things
just picked up on thread Bill W ? will google , shame it wasn't Bill Gates though . . . .
Bill W is like a code word (either one recognizes the reference or not) used when conversing with people in general about recovery. The reference is to Bill Wilson, main co-founder of AA, and a former stock broker on Wall Street who reached a crossroads after the big crash. There was a cinematic film made of his life back in the black and white days. It's a place to start, should one wish to look into his biography.

Self-examination is a far-reaching concept, opening doors to realms to which most humans are fearful to cross the threshhold. Hence, the 'Serenity Prayer.' In the end, it all boils down to Spirituality (and NOT religion) which, in turn, begins with humility; and it all goes in a circle.

The aboriginal people of what is now known as Australia recognized Seven Directions, the last being Inward. Their concept helped me understand where I was headed over a decade ago. I hope it helps you and all with the inspiration and courage to travel the path in the 'final direction!'
talking to a neighbor yesterday over fence, who has some knowledge of people with Aspergers. he reckons he can see aspergers in me to a degree? I have never had it diagnosed by a Doctor but that might explain a few things
I would't diagnose yourself based on something what a neighbor said, I would be alert for such things because if you have a strong enough believe of something about yourself you will eventually start acting like it and that label being the start of it. If you are really worried, I would talk to a professional to come to a diagnosis. When it comes to brain science Dr. Joe Dispenza is your guy, I'd recommend any of his books, after reading his work and studies/research you will look at yourself and at the world differently.
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Bill W is like a code word (either one recognizes the reference or not) used when conversing with people in general about recovery. The reference is to Bill Wilson, main co-founder of AA,
Well i was once worried i was on the verge of being an alcoholic then at one job i met someone who knew. he asked me a couple of questions such as .. do you crave alchohol and its your first drink in the morning and some other questions increasingly gross- at the end of it he said "mate there's no way your an alcoholic" . What i do realize is that habits can get out of hand and reel that in now and then. I would definitely say i'm more spiritual than religious and have witnessed things that can not be explained by science.
Carl Jung's Letter to Bill W, January 30, 1961 may be of interest. Just as no one can tell a person he or she is an alcoholic, the flip side is no one is able to tell a person he isn't! It's an inside job a person has to discover for themself.
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Haven't read anything by Carl Jung unless you can recommend something ? Milton Erickson i've seen a rare film clip. I read a book by Emile Coueʹ because my dad had a copy . Emmet Fox is so far the one that i find readable. Any suggestions for other "thoughful" books ?
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Before I start does that test go on for an hour and then at the very end says something like for $100 you can get your test result .
My results -- INTJ. What about you?
pending ..IntJ (todays results after a beer) just re-looked at your post SNAP the same !Mind you i have a bit of a split personality so need to try again
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Baahk...bahhhk ...bahk . . . baaahhk!
Honesty or it doesn't count.


and the first phonetic of each word in the list spells . . .
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@captain-sensible, @wizardfromoz --I wonder if you two are really serious about self-examination. Of all involved in Alcoholics Anonymous and who attend meetings, only about 10% really get it and sincerely try to practice the program. I've been told this by more than a few 'old-timers' and some would say less than 10%. So, statistically, I should not hold out much hope. I wish you the best, anyway!

Hey -- I'm an asshole at times and admit it! Makes me useful to some. For that, I am grateful.
Nothing wrong with being an intJ anyway ok that's what I am. Why do you keep bringing up AA though? Denial ? I know of all the self sabotage syndromes and it doesn't apply to me.
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