sudo apt install qdirstat the outpoot of 'df'- it seems that yes.Is Linux installed on /dev/sda8 ...?
Who did the install?
How big is your hard drive (or solid state drive ?)
Is this a dual boot with windows?
1.OK I take it you are on Ubuntu, which version?
Are you using Timeshift, and if so, how is it set up?
Chris Turner
thank you,You can use a tool name QdirStat
And analyze the disk to check which is taking more storageCode:sudo apt install qdirstat
Hope it will help you
sudo du -a
inxi -P
Check your root directory ( / ) this is symbol of root directorythank you,
i installed
not sure which directory i need to check....
Many times the culprit isan auto generated log file. Check the /var/log folder see what size it is. You can go to a terminal and cd to /var/log once there issue this command.It should give you a read out of how much space is being used by each log file. then look and see if any are in or near the Gbs range. If so you need to remove those logs.Sass:sudo du -a
It will free up some space that way.
Also post the out put ofThanks.HTML:inxi -P
P.S. on ubuntu you may have to install inxi first.