Looking into a Linux OS for my laptop...


Phillip Baeza

I am totally new to Linux operating systems, but looking into switching from Windows to a Linux OS on my laptop.

I have a Dell Studio 1536 with Dual Core AMD, Turion 2.6 Ghz processor.
It has 4 GB of RAM and runs ATI Radeon HD (160 MB)
My hard drive size is 500 GB.
I currently run Vista Home edition operating system and debating between Linux and upgrading to Windows 7.

What would be the best Linux OS...is there a laptop-specific OS?

Also, on the little research I've done, I read some things about not being able to switch over all the music some people have had into the Linux OS.
That is a big concern for me, because I am a music junkie have at least 100 GBs of music on my hard drive.
My music comes from discs, iTunes and other downloads. Is there a chance I could lose some of my music files if I switch to a Linux OS?

Thanks, in advance, for any help.

With the specs on your computer, you will probably be able to run just about any Linux distro.

Ubuntu and Linux Mint are popluar choices.

What are the file extensions of your music? Mp3s work fine.
Backup all your music before installing any GNU/Linux OS and you should be fine.

See http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx should you run into any graphics drivers problem. 64-bit proprietary drivers here -- http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/legacy-radeon_linux.aspx -- released July 24th. Download link -- http://www2.ati.com/drivers/legacy/12-6/amd-driver-installer-12.6-legacy-x86.x86_64.zip

http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php?title=SUSE/openSUSE&oldid=8549 -- regarding OpenSUSE, from May 2012.

Ubuntu has been buggy of late regarding this issue, so be forewarned and be forearmed.

For a notebook, performance-wise, it is hard to beat antiX. Plus, it being a true Debian distro (unlike ubuntu), the award-winninig script smxi may be used to help set up graphics drivers, making newbie-confusing post-install options a breeze.
Most of my music is mp3...but some is from iTunes, not sure what file extension those are.
Thanks for the info!
Do you have something installed yet? What'd you go with?
Do you have something installed yet? What'd you go with?

Haven't had time yet...still doing a little research, figuring out partitioning and working with two operating systems

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