Linux RHEL 7.9 global environment vars


New Member
Jun 2, 2021
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I have a project with Jasperreports in a Redhat 7.9 linux environment and I need to use the function System.getenv("Var Name"), then I configure it in the bash_profile file, but when I use it it returns "null" , I have tried many things that they say in the forums, but nothing gives me result. I thank you for your help.


That way I configure them and I can see them, but in the report it always shows "null".


.bashrc and .bash_profile are usually just for individual users, not global.

I would put this in /etc/environment
Thanks, I did that too but it didn't work for me, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It does not take the var
Thanks, I did that too but it didn't work for me, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It does not take the var

Are you "sourcing" the file after you edit it? (You may have to reboot)

What happens if you ...
Generates the following


This is the environment file


and I have already restarted the system
It seems like, as far as the system in concerned, it's working.
Is this a python application? Is it in a virtual env?
No, it is Java a web portal with Jboss, the call of the variable is done with System.getenv("LABVANTAGE_HOMEICP"), with Linux machine on Azure Cloud
It's my understanding Java doesn't support global variables from the system.
You could have a global class, but you would still have to define them in code
or a config file for your app. (But then it wouldn't be global)

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