Hi there, I am certainly interested in sharing the solutions I found. But so far I could not make them ALL work. So I did fix the sound, and the bluetooth and in the end I even got the sleep mode working. But after one-time coming back from sleep mode.....the sound doesn't work over the speakers anymore. Over BT sound is working properly....
So....how did you manage to get the sound working after sleep???? If that's solved... my Macbook would be working like a charm. I even got Word, Excel and PowerPoint working (with Wine).
I am using Linux Mint. You seem to have it all working....anything I can share with you?
Regards, Peter.
Hello again.
So, here is what problems I was facing and how I solved these problems (I take credit for nothing, only found online and in forums). (I am using Fedora, Idk if some command lines might be different on Mint. You might have to install crontab if it exists on Mint for example but I think everything here is possible on another distro even if it requires changing it a bit)
1 - no sound
2 - system was broken after sleep mode
3- no sound after sleep mode even after fixing sleep mode problem
and then making all the solutions automatized at boot so I dont have to type stuff in the terminal every time.
Here are the solutions:
1 -
no sound: simply install this driver
leifliddy macbook 12 audio driver
2 -
sleep mode bug:
sudo su then
echo 0 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:01\:00.0/d3cold_allowed
To make it permanent and automatic at boot:
crontab will make the command line execute itself every time you boot.
sudo su
crontab -e
@reboot echo 0 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:01\:00.0/d3cold_allowed
3 -
to make sound work after sleep mode, I changed the sleep mode from "deep" to "s2idle" (different sleep system, saves less power among other things, but it works):
solution is from here
to make it simple, open terminal and:
echo s2idle | sudo tee /sys/power/mem_sleep
cat /sys/power/mem_sleep
[s2idle] deep
Then it works !
To make it permanent and automatic at every boot:
just add the kernel parameter
To add the kernel parameter. terminal:
sudo grubby --args="mem_sleep_default=s2idle" --update-kernel=ALL
To remove the kernel paramater.
sudo grubby --remove-args="mem_sleep_default=s2idle" --update-kernel=ALL
You can check the parameters with
sudo grubby --info=ALL
And here you go ! after these steps, when my macbook boots on Fedora I dont have to enter any command. Sound works, sleep works, sound works after sleep.
Let me know if it works for you.
May I ask what problem did you have with bluetooth ? mine works fine but just wont turn on sometimes at boot and I have to reboot. I have no fix for this currently (edit: I installed leifliddy's bluetooth driver from github and it seems to work fine today, though I might just be lucky, I'll wait a few days and see if the bug comes back)