Linux Mint 22.1


Active Member
Jan 29, 2019
Reaction score
I have just upgraded my system to Mint 22.1 and for me after a couple of days I have to say it seems to be very smooth, I have not personally encountered any problems so far but I wonder how others are finding it so far, just out of interest.
Have you tried it yet?
Are you planning on upgrading?
If you have upgraded or just fresh installed 22.1 I would be interested to hear the views of others, how are you getting, any issues?

Runs like a charm

I have taken it very slowly with Xia, and my slowed down look has been worthwhile.

It has taken a slow crawl through it to realise just how much has changed/improved

There is a "sturdiness" that resembles 21.3 greatly, but it has extra speed, and so does whatever I happen to be doing at a satisfying clip.

I must admit I have been looking for faults big time.....being a real picky so & so,....and I am not finding them. It has that solid feel which I like so much. Predictable, reliable.

I noticed in Kernels (in update manager) there is only 2 kernels.....1 active and one superseded. They are both from the 6.8.50 &.51 stable. No 5.15 etc etc any more. This appears to be a good thing. A lot of work has gone into that kernel, methinks

I reckon that is what has started the 'solid' feel. That and the general clean up in apt and every other thing which has been implemented under the hood.

Thumbs Up.
For reasons I don't understand, one of my three computers gave me the system report message about the upgrade. So I upgraded this machine. When the report shows up on the other two, I'll upgrade them also.
So far my only complaints are that I had to reinstall gnome calendar, ( minor problem ), and, the volume control in the panel no longer displays a percentage when you adjust the volume. ( very very annoying ).
@Danbor, possibly just the one system report because it is sent to the one IP address ?....just a guess on my part.

If you open Update Manager and then click on should show there.
Could be Condobloke. I'm not to worried about it. Just thought it odd.
I don't need the latest and greatest and I know I can get the upgrade on the other two if I want too. Just thought it odd that the message only showed on one box.
Another thought I had about it was that the VPN seldom logs them all in from the same city as the VPN is installed on each machine so, as I understand it, each one shows a separate IP addess.
