Linux Mint 22.1 - The X Factor? - Wizards Corner


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Apr 30, 2017
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For those of you Linux Mint users whom update your Mint through the terminal, you may have noticed with Firefox the other day something like the following

Unpacking firefox (133.0+linuxmint1+xia) over (132.0.1+linuxmint1+wilma)

It appears that the new Linux Mint 21.1 will be codenamed Xia, and that Mint CEO Clement Lefebvre is skipping the rest of the W's, also, word is, it is in testing phase.

There were comments over at Mint's Forum on the subject, and I posted there. If you are interested, it is at

By my reckoning, it may be released around Christmas to New Year.



I look forward to the release of 22.1.....I dont much care what they call it, as long as Clem has approved its release.

If I were to take a punt...I would predict that Xia will be one to remember. Becasue I spend a great deal of time with LM22, I may be more aware than some, of its little under the counter dramas/problems/ funny stuff...etc

I am more than sure that Clem...... is more than aware of these 'trivialities"/.....I am also quite certain that they will cease to exist with 22.1

Onward and Upward, Linux Mint
Yeah I tend to agree - I thought that the V series - Vanessa, Vera, Victoria, and Virginia, were excellent.

I too, had a couple of bugs in Wilma. I did not report them, because two of the key factors the Devs apply as a form of triage is whether the problem is easily duplicated, and/or is widespread.

Given the number of distros I run, including a number of Mint versions and desktops I run, I would be pushing it uphill to establish that the bug issues were not related to my plethora of distros.

Easier for me to just devise or discover a workaround, which I have done.
Workarounds work for me also.......the "new" mirror.... deb ....upon which great hope was pinned to increase speeds and break downs were straining at the bit to stay in one piece......The breakdowns are not consistent.....all over the world there are differences for those affected at this stage the better 'workaround" is to restore the default setting in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official packages Repository to "deb wilma main upstream import backport
Save that....exit....and run apt update in Terminal

Edit to Add :
The line found in '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/official package repository.....when the default mirrors are being used will be:

deb wilma main upstream import backport

This will change if different mirrors are being used
Last edited:
Just worth noting is that that last sources list entry URL is for Australia, and that users in general are best advised to do, in Mint's update facility

Edit software sources, restore the default settings, and then of course you can test for your nearest or best download server.

I too have used mint off and on since it's inception and am looking forward to 22.1 For those who may be interested the status of the .iso when it comes will be listed on this page It usually appears for from 2 weeks to a month before final approval is granted. Enjoy!
I'm not in any hurry...21.1 is supported till 2027 and always do a clean install.

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