@JohnJ .....what a can of worms you have opened here !
Two of the 'hottest' topics around....browsers and vpn's
Browsers. They are all wanting/needing/determined to/make money....somehow !
Google does it via Chrome....and probably a zillion other ways that we are likely unaware of.......but, judging googles unrelenting rise to their bottom line, it works! Some of the good people on here don't care what info Google gobbles up about them.....they either have a nifty plan in place to protect what
really matters to them or they honestly dont give a damn.
That pretty much applies to all chrome based browsers. One reasonable exception may be Brave browser....which is what I use. I set it up with giving anyone, (and that includes google) as little as possible, in mind.
Search for chrome based browsers ....and you will get an instant idea of just what they are.
Then search Firefox based browsers and you will get another boatload from there as well. Waterfox is not bad....our erstwhile Admin,
@wizardfromoz, uses that browser.
VPN's Nord vpn is touted as being the bees knees....
@KGIII uses it, so it can't be all bad.
Peoples reasons for using a vpn can be mind boggling. Some expect the vpn to be the be all and end all to all their concerns re privacy, security, etc etc
I have news for them....It aint so.
probably the better of them would be Mullvad. It has the reputation. As far as I know that reputation is untarnished.
They have a simple payment approach,. 5 euros per month, regardless. (I hope that's right)
@f33dm3bits swears by them.....they must be good to pass his tests.
What do I use?....
airvpn. More from habit....10 years approx. They have a website with a
lot of info. Worth a read. Set aside a couple of cups of coffee to do that.
Good luck.
If you need a hand setting up Brave browser, I can help.