Hi Everyone
I need the bootable iso of GNU linux.. Please anyone tell me how to get that...
I need the bootable iso of GNU linux.. Please anyone tell me how to get that...
http://www.unixguide.net/linux/faq/01.10.shtmlThe Linux trademark belongs to Linus Torvalds. He has placed the Linux
kernel under the GNU General Public License, which basically means
that you may freely copy, change, and distribute it, but you may not
impose any restrictions on further distribution, and you must make the
source code available.
But Redhat does charge for prebuilt binaries of RHEL. At least the stable ones.Redhat and Ubuntu don't charge for Redhat or Ubuntu. They charge for giving support to users...
There is NO pure, original, unattributable version of GNU/Linux available. Distros tend to be built on other distros.
You cannot build on a pure, original, unattributable version and claim it for your own.
If u r a newbie to Linux (like me), Ubuntu is suitable for u.
- http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/derivativesUbuntu is a popular operating system and a popular starting point for people who want to create their own operating systems.
- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationWhy customize LiveCDs
You may wish to customise the Ubuntu Desktop LiveCd to:
1. make your own Linux / Ubuntu distribution
The user who posed the question, is not a "newbie". They clearly need to develop the O/S from scratch fitting their own requirements and do not want to be restricted by a "Brand Name" Distro, such as "Ubuntu".
http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ will fit their needs.
"http://cr4.globalspec.com/" "The Engineer's Place for News and Discussion®"hmm.. We are planning to make an os for our purpose.. We know a bit about kernel programming...
From @arochester, post #4
"http://cr4.globalspec.com/" "The Engineer's Place for News and Discussion®"
Doesn't sound like a newbie to me if they are posting on an Engineer's site! ;^)