
Hi Everyone
I need the bootable iso of GNU linux.. Please anyone tell me how to get that...

First of all you should look at to see detailed info on all the distributions available, especially the "Major Distributions" section.

If you are only looking for a bootable "Live CD/DVD", there are several available, but I would recommend Debian. Download the bootable ISO file from the Distro's website.

There is NO pure, original, unattributable version of GNU/Linux available. Distros tend to be built on other distros. The "originals" are probably Debian, Slackware and Redhat. Look at

You cannot build on a pure, original, unattributable version and claim it for your own.

You need to look instead at The Linux Open Source Licence.
The Linux trademark belongs to Linus Torvalds. He has placed the Linux
kernel under the GNU General Public License, which basically means
that you may freely copy, change, and distribute it, but you may not
impose any restrictions on further distribution, and you must make the
source code available.

Redhat and Ubuntu don't charge for Redhat or Ubuntu. They charge for giving support to users...
Redhat and Ubuntu don't charge for Redhat or Ubuntu. They charge for giving support to users...
But Redhat does charge for prebuilt binaries of RHEL. ;) At least the stable ones.

But yeah, like the others said. There is no GNU/Linux you can just download. What you do download is a distribution that has GNU/Linux..or you build it yourself from scratch.
There is NO pure, original, unattributable version of GNU/Linux available. Distros tend to be built on other distros.

You cannot build on a pure, original, unattributable version and claim it for your own.

Actually, you can build your own Linux Distro from scratch.

I could build my own and call it Rick's Linux Distro, and give it to anyone, providing I adhere to the GPL, and other basic legal requirements. They even have a generic Live CD, although it is out of date.

You would be better off just using one of the predefined Distros available on Distro Watch, I mentioned earlier, and leave the hard work to the experts. Using one of the freely (in both Cost and Freedom) available Distros such as Debian, Fedora, Slackware, Mint, etc... does NOT place any restrictions on how you use it. This is NOT Apple or Mickey$oft! ;^)

D/L, install, and enjoy! ;^)
If u r a newbie to Linux (like me), Ubuntu is suitable for u.You can download Ubuntu ISO for desktop in wwwubuntucom (official website for Ubuntu). Now Ubuntu 14.04 (Saucy Salamandar) is released.
You can install Ubuntu via bootable USB thumb drive without Optical Drive.
*Go To wwwpendrivelinuxcom and download universal usb installer.
*Run downloaded program and then, choose linux distro as Ubuntu and browse Ubuntu ISO file(RAR file).Are you sure you join usb thumb drive which has at least 4 GB space.
*It is completed after a few minutes.
*In BIOS Setting,you need to change some options like first boot as USB thumb drive and save changes.
Nippy sweetie or what?

Ubuntu is a popular operating system and a popular starting point for people who want to create their own operating systems.

Why customize LiveCDs
You may wish to customise the Ubuntu Desktop LiveCd to:
1. make your own Linux / Ubuntu distribution

E.g. a few more like LXLE and Voyager and X Distro and...

Yes, you can build (put together) your own version of Linux using Linux From Scratch. But you are only putting it together. The Linux Kernel belongs to someone. The GNU apps all belong to someone. You cannot simply put together a Distro and say "It's all my own work", because it's not.
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There are many! As you can see in Ditrowatch.

They can be downloaded from different sources, I for one, prefer to download from the Distro official site! e.g. Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc

Just burn the DVD or transfer to a pendrive (I use Unebootin for that), reboot, install and have fun!

I like Mint Cinnamon "flavor" (more Windows like and still works out from the box), some love Ubuntu (more OSX fashioned), both are quite popular currently. Of course is just matter of personal preference, there much more alternatives then those I already tried so far.

The user who posed the question, is not a "newbie". They clearly need to develop the O/S from scratch fitting their own requirements and do not want to be restricted by a "Brand Name" Distro, such as "Ubuntu". will fit their needs.

Really not intended to flame or Spam, but, how do you know that? Do you know the guy?

Many times I've seen people using “GNU/Linux” as a generic way to refer to any distro. Is it a mistake?

Thanks in advance
Actually, you can build your own Linux Distro from scratch.