It is. Even your wifi router may be running Linux.
He seems to regret some stuff he isn't very specific about. He keeps swearing though.
I am a "liberal" (american semantics on this expression is so paradoxical) and I sure can tell that the real aggressive attitude (in a more practical explosive way) is not on my side of things.
Anyway, as to productivity, you know Linus created
GIT, right? You know Linux is a very successful world-wide project thanks to every developer related and specially their main manager, Linus, don't you? You may also know it has grown immensely just along with the growth of the internet.
Linus sure could be more polite, but I believe his genius has actually had a bigger role in boosting the presence of Linux in our lives than the other way around.
In regard to that Stallman's quote, apart from slight misogyny that can be countered by the unfortunate fact there's few women in the IT world (otherwise the "joke" would be less fortunate), I don't see much trouble in that.