thank u for your prompt response;
yes i wrote the correct version.
to get memory usage i am using control shift escape - what is the name of this program (isn't it just linux's task manager) - what is the memory it lists there? resident/shared/virtual?
yes i have libre open all the time. who doesn't? come on dude. why would i go through the manual labor of opening and closing it everytime i need to use it. come on dude. stop giving me a hard time
hisham's top results for LO;
virtual - 2264m
res - 1370m
shared - 96400 (does'n't say M at the end of it)
task manager results for LO;
RSS = 1.3 GIG
so what you 2 are saying is that since i have LO open all the time, it is such an inefficient program that it just hogs up your memory