I'm getting into the swing of things (I think) and have been able to do an article every other day. It really, really helps to write and schedule them. For some reason, this takes the publication pressure off - meaning I actually keep to my schedule better.
That's just one way to check. There are other ways, but that's one of 'em. As always, feedback is truly appreciated - and often results in article changes.
I am not sure what the difference is with regards to scheduling things. For whatever reason, it just makes it easier to write. I highly recommend folks do this. WordPress will happily give you a subdomain and your own blog.

How To: Check CPU Temps With lm_sensors • Linux Tips
There are a variety of ways to check your CPU temps, and this one will be covering this with lm_sensors.

That's just one way to check. There are other ways, but that's one of 'em. As always, feedback is truly appreciated - and often results in article changes.
I am not sure what the difference is with regards to scheduling things. For whatever reason, it just makes it easier to write. I highly recommend folks do this. WordPress will happily give you a subdomain and your own blog.