Honestly, I don't understand: OS is just a tool. Not an ideology. I heard similar arguments 40yrs ago. It is time to grow up. Just carefully read the posy
Whatever suits your particular needs.
@Aristarchus :-
Well, absolutely. It's all intertwined, anyway.
Without an OS, software is pointless. And without software to run on top of it, an OS is about as much use as the proverbial "chocolate teapot"; lovely to look at, but a total waste of time to try and use. Why develop an OS if you don't actually want to DO anything
with it..?
The OS permits you, the user, to run whatever apps/software you choose. Without OSs to run on computer hardware - and applications/programs on top of THAT - an entire industry (comprising countless millions of people) would be scrapping around and re-training for other means of employment.
There's a kind of "mysticism" that has grown up around the entire computing ecosystem. Different OSs have come & gone.....there will always be someone out there who's not happy with the "status quo", and will want to try and develop something that works differently. Perhaps in an entirely new way. (Take a look at Google's FuschiaOS, for instance.)
There's no "right" way - OR "wrong" way - to enable a computing experience that works for the individual use-case. Some stuff will ONLY run on either Windows or MacOS (more often than not, this will now include Android and iOS, too. Linux users will be left out.....but then, this frequently provides the spur for development of Linux-only apps that improve upon & blow the established players out of the water.)
For other stuff, Linux and/or the BSDs, etc, will run rings around the established players due to far greater flexibility. Apple, in particular, have long since shot themselves in the foot by insisting on such rigid controls regarding development of apps exclusively for their "walled garden" approach. This is the ONLY tech firm in existence that feels free to thumb its nose even at the NSA; Tim Cook seems to think that all that stockholder faith & investment has rendered his company untouchable.
Each and every system will always have its adherents and/or fanbois, for whom their chosen environment can do no wrong. I take this view; for ultimate flexibility, use whatever works for your use-case.
- Everything runs on Windows, but often financial considerations come into it.
- Apple is seen as exclusive.....if you can live with that "walled garden", of course.
- And Linux will run almost anywhere.......but there will always be a certain amount of 'hands-on' stuff involved.
Whatever 'floats your boat' - and lets you do what YOU want - is fine. It's YOUR life, after all.....not somebody else's.