Hello, I am a linux user. I've been running PClinuxOS on my desk top for several years.I have a couple of old laptops that I'm playing with. I can't get any linux to work. Right now I'm playing with a gateway model # solo 1150. Ive tried DSL, crunchbang,puppy, tine core etc. DSL loads but I can't connect to the internet. crunchbang, gets an error message that it can't install. tinycore sees my wireless card but doesn't connect. In short, their always seems to be some problem that prevents the distro from working.My question is this: Is there something from "wintel" that gets in the way? When i load a distro does it completely reformat the HD ? Or am I having bad luck? This is the second old laptop I've had this problem with.would running something like partedmagic help? thanks.