

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2017
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My absolute favourite is "Jazz Record Requests". It's on BBC3 at 4pm UK time on Sundays. Available to stream on "BBC Sounds", I'm not sure if that is available outside the UK. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/b006tnn9

I also enjoy "Linn Jazz". (There's also Linn Radio and Linn Classical.) A Glasgow, Scotland, audio company. The Winamp button works for me. Again, no adverts. https://www.linn.co.uk/linn-radio

I like Jazz Radio-Jazz Manouche. Gypsy jazz a la Jango Rheinhart. A French station, but no commentary and no adverts. https://www.jazzradio.fr/radio/webradio/10/jazz-manouche . It tends to be so happy and uplifting. Being an older guy, it reminds me of M. Hulot. Who?

Back in the 50's and early 60's I was quite strongly into British Jazz, from Helen Shapiro to the temperance seven and Kenny Ball to Ronnie Scott, I also liked The Dudley Moore trio and from the states particularly Ella Fitzgerald and Susan Vaughan
so i offer you
I quite like avante-garde Jazz.
John Zorn and his band Naked City are a particular favourite!
Me, I'm a long-standing jazz/blues/reggae fan. Anything with a catchy melody, crystal clear treble, and deep, warm, rich bass. That, and a decent rhythm!

I've had a RadioTunes paid a/c for several years - no ads, that way - and regularly listen to several of their jazz channels via DeaDBeeF. Music while you work. Well, it "works" for me....

Mike. :D
I have been a fan of so-called Cool Jazz since the Sixties. Coltrane, Hawkins, LLoyd, Lateef, et al.
Am not familiar with newer jazz artists. Been more into Blues for some time, now.
On the matter of jazz...

One of the worst jobs I've ever had was playing jazz for the afternoon crowd at a jazz club/coffee shop/light-food shop.

There were five or six of us, but generally only three of us a a time (for the afternoon crowd). You just showed up and people would rotate through. Those five or six of us weren't static, they were constantly changing.

We played the staples and did a whole lot of improv, so I learned a lot. I wasn't even a jazz player when I asked for a job. We got paid $25 a session, plus we got a meal from their limited menu and unlimited coffee. I'd play that gig, rush back across the river for school, and often play another gig that night.

The owner was a jackass and would try to pretend he'd either paid you or that you didn't work the days you did work. You only made an extra $5 for playing the dinner/night shift. We had to wear a jacket and tie, which I didn't mind much - but he'd send people home if their jacket and tie didn't meet his unknown specifications. I think he did that mostly because it was a slow day and he didn't want to spend the money.

I wasn't a union member at the time. I couldn't afford the fees. Eventually I'd join the union, insist on scale, and get told my services were no longer needed. Scale at the time was like $18 an hour, as memory serves.

But, I learned a lot and got to play with some pretty skilled players.
I'm not sure if that is available outside the UK

Looking good here, Alan :), in Oz - Have just been listening to a bit of last Sunday's program, so it looks like I can play catch up with it.


A bit of Nina Simone never goes astray.

Nina Simone?

Have you tried Exclusive Radio? Home page here: https://play.exclusive.radio/

It plays a stream (exclusively!) for each artist. It covers lots of genres. Comment free. Ad free. Cost free. Sees itself as something of a Spotify rival.

For example, click on the Jazz button, then click Nina Simone.
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In post #1 on this thread, I mentioned "Jazz Record Requests".
In post #8 you said you could listen.
In post #10 you talked about Nina Simone.

It would have been Nina Simone's 90th birthday and "Jazz Record Requests" have just done a special...
What a wonderful piece. :)

Whoever says you don't learn something new every day is not opening their eyes.

I have been following Jeff Goldblum's acting career for many years, but had no idea he was into the music scene. Now I am going to be clicking the links.

Ta for sharing, Alan.


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