Many thanks will try it nowoh you're in luck, just finished working on a laptop with broken packages,
open the terminal and enter sudo -apt --fix-missing update , and enter, put in password and enter, let the program run,
when it stops in the terminal enter sudo -apt update, enter and let it run [you may have to put in your password again]
when it's finished in the terminal, enter sudo -apt install -f and enter [again, it may ask for password]
when that has finished in the terminal, enter sudo -apt autoremove -y and enter
after this is complete, open update manager refresh and run it as normal
Didnt work, still saying the sameMany thanks will try it now
Didnt work, still saying the sameoh you're in luck, just finished working on a laptop with broken packages,
open the terminal and enter sudo -apt --fix-missing update , and enter, put in password and enter, let the program run,
when it stops in the terminal enter sudo -apt update, enter and let it run [you may have to put in your password again]
when it's finished in the terminal, enter sudo -apt install -f and enter [again, it may ask for password]
when that has finished in the terminal, enter sudo -apt autoremove -y and enter
after this is complete, open update manager refresh and run it as normal
Don't know, never used it myself, but the routeen above fixed a dud laptop 2 hrs ago. the OP could always try it and seedoes this command still exist : apt --fix-broken install
Tried fix broken install didnt work eitherDon't know, never used it myself, but the routeen above fixed a dud laptop 2 hrs ago. the OP could always try it and see
It says reading package lists... Doneok whats the output for : sudo apt-get check
sudo dpkg -l | grep ^..r
Did nothingok and..
Code:sudo dpkg -l | grep ^..r
Laptop is working but just wont updateDid nothing
ok re-try your own preferred way of updating and see what output you get
sudo dpkg --configure -a
Nothing. thanks for tryingok last go try this then after re try update.
Code:sudo dpkg --configure -a
if that doesn't work , debian users will know better than i, but from the update manager gui , you should be able to see teh broken ones @Brickwizard ? using some tab selection , i've forgotten how but , somehow see the broken ones and remove them then select to remove the broken
am an absolute beginner, all I know is its linux Minthave you got a reload option on your update manager ? is it synaptic ? whats your O.S