Well-Known Member
I know some of the members at Reddit have their moments....and some of those moments are mean/nasty....wouldnt really pay attention to anything that happens on that site.
However, the Linux Mint area for "noobs" and ordinary users, can be quite eye opening
For example the number of young people joining there to ask for help moving from windows to Linux is positively eye watering. The nimbers really are indicative of the drama cauased by the introduction of win 11 and the ensuing 'relegation' of a vast number of laptops (mainly) to the 'scrapheap'.
There have been figures suggested that the number approaches 80 Million.
The waste is incredible. What company supports putting that type of financial pressure on it users and making damn sure that the resulting e-waste is beyong enormous.
I am not sure that reddit made the various areas available to users in anticipation of this happening, or if they are simply reacting to the monumental increase that has resulted.
Either way, they are doing a good job. The young people, as well as the older members will be thanking them, for saving their Laptops and a whole lot of money.