Is Linux or Windows 11 better?


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Feb 13, 2023
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Hey Guys

I am using Microsoft Windows 10. It is a pretty good operating system, and I like it a lot. The only thing I don't like about it is that it takes up a lot of disk space. I have a 120 GB hard drive, and Windows 10 takes up about 60 GB. That leaves me with very little room for anything else. Also, I have to keep all my personal files on an external drive because there is just not enough room on the internal drive. I would recommend Windows 10 to anyone looking for a good operating system. It is fast, stable, and has a lot of features. Just be aware that it will take up a lot of space on your desk. Now that I have been using it for a long time, I can't replace it, and I need more storage options. Some people told me to clear cache, disable hibernation, and delete temporary files. But I don't know how to do it. So I am here to ask for help. Please, can anyone tell me how to do it? I would appreciate it.

How can I delete Cache memory in Macbook Pro?

Will deleting Cache harm any of my system programs?

Which is the best window operating system besides Windows 10?

Is Linux or Windows 11 better?

I want to invest in new external hardware. Which one is the best for my needs?

Where can I find coupons and deals for external hardware drives? Is there any website offering hardware coupons or discounts?

Thank you for your help!

Is Linux or Windows 11 better?​

Welcome to the forums.
That is the wrong question to be asking on a Linux forum, the only similarity is they, along with mac & chrome are operating systems
if you are beholden to windows programs, then stick to windows
if you want an operating system you own and control, and are willing to forgo windows program and take on the learning curve associated with Linux, then consider changing,
a good start is to download and burn an ISO to a pen-drive, and run it live from the pen-drive without installing, and play with it, it wont be a full speed test, but it will enable you to assess if you like Linux or not.
As you have a Windows 10 machine, I will suggest yo make your first try with as the test run, then if you feel you may like to try some others, try MX-Linux, Debian with driver pack, and, any of the Ubuntu family
Hello @symakhan,
Welcome to the Forum. I have not use a windows machine since windows 7 here. So can't say about Windows 11 only what others have told me that it's a mess. But as far as Linux goes you will not know if it meets your needs unless you try it. There are may Distributions that have live .iso free downloads that you can try out without touching your HD. But realize that Linux is not Windows and it is different and requires a learning curve.
this page may be of help to you in choosing.
Also here.
Hey Guys

I am using Microsoft Windows 10. It is a pretty good operating system, and I like it a lot. The only thing I don't like about it is that it takes up a lot of disk space. I have a 120 GB hard drive, and Windows 10 takes up about 60 GB. That leaves me with very little room for anything else. Also, I have to keep all my personal files on an external drive because there is just not enough room on the internal drive. I would recommend Windows 10 to anyone looking for a good operating system. It is fast, stable, and has a lot of features. Just be aware that it will take up a lot of space on your desk. Now that I have been using it for a long time, I can't replace it, and I need more storage options. Some people told me to clear cache, disable hibernation, and delete temporary files. But I don't know how to do it. So I am here to ask for help. Please, can anyone tell me how to do it? I would appreciate it.

How can I delete Cache memory in Macbook Pro?

Will deleting Cache harm any of my system programs?

Which is the best window operating system besides Windows 10?

Is Linux or Windows 11 better?

I want to invest in new external hardware. Which one is the best for my needs?

Where can I find coupons and deals for external hardware drives? Is there any website offering hardware coupons or discounts?

Thank you for your help!
You might be able to clear up some temporary files, uninstall some apps you dont need, but in general, that won't clear up a lot of space. 120GB for the OS should be enough, but if you're storing additional data like games, music, videos, etc, you're better off putting that on a second hard drive. The alternative is to get a bigger hard drive like a 1TB SSD for both your OS and Data.

Also, if you really like Windows 10 and are used it and have no issues other than space, there's no reason to switch to Linux, this is my personal opinion. Linux is great, it can do pretty much anything Windows can and more, but there's a learning curve, so unless you're really interested in Linux, I'd recommend you stay on Windows.
1. Hey Guys

2. I am using Microsoft Windows 10. It is a pretty good operating system, and I like it a lot. The only thing I don't like about it is that it takes up a lot of disk space. I have a 120 GB hard drive, and Windows 10 takes up about 60 GB. That leaves me with very little room for anything else. Also, I have to keep all my personal files on an external drive because there is just not enough room on the internal drive. I would recommend Windows 10 to anyone looking for a good operating system. It is fast, stable, and has a lot of features. Just be aware that it will take up a lot of space on your desk. Now that I have been using it for a long time, I can't replace it, and I need more storage options. Some people told me to clear cache, disable hibernation, and delete temporary files. But I don't know how to do it. So I am here to ask for help. Please, can anyone tell me how to do it? I would appreciate it.

3. How can I delete Cache memory in Macbook Pro?

Will deleting Cache harm any of my system programs?

4. Which is the best window operating system besides Windows 10?

Is Linux or Windows 11 better?

5. I want to invest in new external hardware. Which one is the best for my needs?

Where can I find coupons and deals for external hardware drives? Is there any website offering hardware coupons or discounts?

Thank you for your help!
I added numbers to your quote, see above ^^^^^

1. Welcome to!
Because this is, you will find people here who are Linux enthusiasts and do not like Windows. They think of Linux and Windows as "us" and "them". They will tell you "Linux!". Others may have a more balanced view, and you can see it in the posts above. Overall, Linux is preferred here, which is not surprising.

2. Windows 10 can easily fit in a much smaller disk space than 120 Gbytes. I currently have three Windows systems using between 20 and 30 Gbytes each, with lots of free space on the drives. Two are used for testing and one is actually used to run Windows applications, but none of them is my primary personal computer. They have Microsoft Office, programmer's development tools, and a variety of applications that are used by specialized businesses.

Your Windows 10 system has many more applications and much more data than mine. My first thoughts were:
a. Do you have backups? Before you start, you want to be sure that you can recover your system or files if you accidentally make a mistake.
b. Have you tried running Disk Cleanup? There are many options in that small program that may help you recover a lot of disk space. In addition to the regular cleanup, also look at "Clean up system files" button (and then the More Options tab will also appear). You can recover a lot of disk space using those tools (especially System Restore and Shadow Copies), but keep in mind that you are deleting files that may be useful in a recovery situation.
c. Are there Applications that you are no longer running? Can you remove them to free up space?
d. Are you storing a lot of data? (VIDEOS? music? other stuff?) that you can give up or copy onto an external drive?
e. You may want to replace the drive with a larger one, but that may not be easy, and you may be required to reactivate Windows.

3. "How can I delete Cache memory in Macbook Pro? Will deleting Cache harm any of my system programs?"
If you are running Windows 10 on a MacBook Pro, then try the Disk Cleanup utility that I suggested in my "3b" answer above, which deletes cached information. Reboot. Some of those caches will be re-created quickly, but other files (like restore points) will take longer. They will come back as you keep your Windows 10 system updated, which is important.

(macOS ONLY: If you are asking about how to delete the caches in a MacBook Pro running macOS, not Windows 10, that is completely different. For each user account on your macOS computer, go to ~/Library and delete the Caches folder. Then go to the /Library folder (directory) on your Mac and delete the Caches folder there too. Reboot.)

4. "Which is the best window operating system besides Windows 10? Is Linux or Windows 11 better?"
If you ask here on, what answer do you think you will see? :-)
It is a very personal choice, and it depends on who you ask, which applications you want to run. For someone like you who is used to running Windows 10, it would take a lot of effort, study, and work to convert to Linux. The people here will tell you that it is worth the effort, but as I said, it is a very personal decision. If you switch to Linux, you must learn a lot and make many many choices. There is not just one "Linux" but many different "distros". It may help to think of each distro as its own separate operating system rather than just one "Linux". They have much in common with each other, and also much that is not in common.
-> Based on the kinds of questions you are asking here, my feeling is that you should stay with Windows.

5. "I want to invest in new external hardware. Which one is the best for my needs? Where can I find coupons and deals for external hardware drives? Is there any website offering hardware coupons or discounts?"
I can't help you much here. If you are running Windows 10 on a MacBook Pro, then it may depend on which model MacBook Pro you have. Does it have rectangular USB-A ports and Thunderbolt? Does it have USB-C ports?

I hope this answers your questions. I hope I have not wasted my time on a person who posts once and disappears forever, but it may help others who find this thread from a web search.
It's a trollish question. I suggest not putting pearls before swine.
It's a trollish question. I suggest not putting pearls before swine.
Yeah, I took them at their word at first. When I reached the bottom of my post I realized the same thing myself. I want to help, and sometimes it takes time to catch on. At that point, I did not want to lose the effort. Fortunately I type fast.
I am running Windows 11 on an HP Laptop and can say that it's an improvement over all other versions of Windows I've ever run. The boot times are less than 1 minute from time you hit the power button to the time the operating systems is up and running. I like the speed. That is all I like. I use Windows only because the software that I have to run on other servers is only available on Windows based machines. If I could I would stay as far as Windows as I could.

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