Well, Friends, I couldn't keep going any longer: I showed Zorin the door out of my computer and threw the luggage outside (kinda' sorta'). The frustration was worse than the scorching sun out in the deserts of Australia! My apologies to the Zorin folks, I'm just talking about my experiences with your very stable system here. So, if it's OK with them, please allow me to offer my final observations. I have to say that Zorin is definitely one attractive OS, but it lost a couple of starting points after I had discovered there were no settings for seconds on the clock (Free Version). On my 32-bit Dual Core laptop, Zorin Core felt just a bit like mosquitoes getting ready to bite, but thankfully, one at a time! This week I felt the mosquito bites, and when I reinstalled an app that I had accidentally deleted (it's bound to happen, yes?), I could no longer save files from that program. In addition, the "PRTSC" Print Screen feature stopped functioning, so I had no screenshots to post with my final observations. I made an early decision to say goodbye to Zorin, even with its beautiful layout. The issues surrounding the system on my machine meant that I now had a computer less than efficient for both home and work. I do not recommend Zorin for anyone with a 32-bit computer. Two packages in the Zorin software repository (a Zorin "Boutique," so to speak) failed to install on my machine, and two other packages were slightly compromised and failed to save files or features (example: save and display album covers in Clementine). On a scale of zero to 10, I give Zorin a 4. Boot-up times on my laptop ranged anywhere from 3 minutes to 7 minutes, and that's a long time in the computer universe. Maybe it's in my machine, but I had noticed faster booting times when I was running Windows. Even Ubuntu did not take as long.
Which brings me to Ubuntu: Is it true?! For the remainder of this week and most of the next, I plan to run my newly-installed OS, Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS, 32-bit! Good until April 2021! While I'm using Ubuntu again, I plan to revisit the reviews on the available 32-bit-friendly Linux distros and flavors. Zorin has slowed me down on a few things, but I plan to recover from that as I gain some speed with my current OS. By the end of next week, I should be back where I was before I tested Zorin. It was fun and frustrating. Thanks for sharing this, everyone.
Which brings me to Ubuntu: Is it true?! For the remainder of this week and most of the next, I plan to run my newly-installed OS, Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS, 32-bit! Good until April 2021! While I'm using Ubuntu again, I plan to revisit the reviews on the available 32-bit-friendly Linux distros and flavors. Zorin has slowed me down on a few things, but I plan to recover from that as I gain some speed with my current OS. By the end of next week, I should be back where I was before I tested Zorin. It was fun and frustrating. Thanks for sharing this, everyone.
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