Is Debian Dying?


Jan 1, 2020
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I have installed debian on my computer ten times, but it has been a few years since I last did it.

Today, near the end of installing Debian 12, the installation process threw up a red screen saying my mirror proxy was no good. I never had the problem before. I tried searching the
internet for information but found nothing.

What the heck is this? Why have I never seen this before?

nevermind, I got by that

But now, I have a new debian 12 server setup.. it cannot run apt-get update. It being unable to read

What is wrong? How do I fix this? Is debian dying?

Another thing. Every computer on my network is at 192.168.1.*. Except the new Debian Vm It is at How did that hppen and how do it fix that?
APT [advanced package manager for Debian] when introduced, the main commands were Apt-get-?????? or apt-cache-????
This started changing with APT revisions back in 2015, although many commands still need apt-get, many more no longe use get
so what was sudo apt-get update is now just sudo apt update, [I still get caught between those that do and those that don't]
cant help with mirror, it may be down, it does happen quite often
repos might appear as down when they are updating, it happens.
Debian is not dieing I would suggest that the mirror you are using went down for some reason. Try a different mirror.
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Does Debian have dynamic repo mirroring?

Most of the distro's I use in this day and age simply point to a mirror list
and use one of those dynamically. If one site is down, it automatically tries
the next one. You can over-ride this and point to a specific mirror, but if
I select "use closest mirror", it will still move to another if that site is down.

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