Intro post


Active Member
Dec 12, 2024
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I was not even aware there was an intro part of the forum! neat.

been into computers for the last 30+ years - mostly microsoft stuff. made supporting it into a career.
always a challenge, the myriad of ways that winOS, associated software, and hardware will break.
did support in aerospace, civil engineering, now finance. everyone uses the same software though.
I really enjoy the support side of it, fixing problems, finding solutions, helping people. it's rewarding.

been playing around with linux, off and on for the last ~10 years or so, tried a bunch of different distros
- fedora, mint, debian, arch, rhel, but settled on mx, for now on my main rig... really like that kde.
nothing really serious but with win10's EOL coming up in ~10 months, figured I'd jump ship for good,
on my personal hardware, anyway. also have mint on a lenovo t470, more of a backup in case my
main rig's hardware dies, it's happened before, after all.

otherwise, really into cooking, looking into moving out of the big city, into a 1987 Grumman stepvan
(see attached, a work in progress). fix one thing on it and something else breaks. rv/offgrid - sure will
be relaxing, eventually. maybe down by a river :P so much stress in the world, these days.

anyway, thanks for reading ;)


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G'day, welcome from DownUnder ... hope you enjoy the community here. :)

Chris Turner
G'day LegionWithin, Welcome to

Another Aussie here....enjoy yourself .
welcome to the gang
Welcome from another "off-gridder"! After a brief sojourn living really in the sticks (a shack/cabin in an informal settlement in the bushes) I'll be honest, I still haven't quite readjusted to suburbia. I started with nothing but a 25L jerrican I had to schlep up to a municipal refill point (our borehole water was unfiltered, ie not pottable), but eventually I worked my way up to a little solar setup I did myself and it was enough to keep my phone and headphones charged and the battery (only 7Ah) gave me more than enough light. My gas cooker was more efficient than an electrical stove, and to date I'm still cooking on it by choice. I found off-grid power and water more reliable than on-grid (maybe because I live in South Africa, lol).

So I really hope your project works out. Van looks a nice size to be done up into an awesome living space! I totally agree that the world is just too crazy these days, and becoming "The Crazy Hermit down the way" has lots of appeal!
Hi @theLegionWithin , and welcome to the forum from another newbie. Just wanted to say - nice truck! It would be nice to see progress pics as you convert it. If I wasn't living in a shed (and tied there by two vehicle-hating cats), I'd be living in something like that for sure!

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