Installation of Microsoft 365 in Crosh (Chromebook)


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Oct 21, 2019
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I have a Chromebook and I purchased Microsoft 365. I have registered Microsoft 365 Key with my Microsoft Account. Please let me know, how to install Microsoft 365 in my Chromebook?

With Regards

If you're using the application, you have to run Windows.
If you're running it through the browser, you don't have to install anything.
Just open https;// in your browser. It works fine in Linux.
Most chromebooks do not have enough disk space to do an actual install. What @dos2unix said is your best chance.
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2 pieces of advice here....

1.... return or trash the chromebook, they are garbage in every sense of the word. They are built to do what is preinstalled and little else.
2... dump M$ 365 and go with libre office it is free, stable and superior in every way, it will read and write every M$ format so it works seemlessly. It also uses the same commands, macros and formulas. You will have no learning curve.
It also uses the same commands, macros and formulas
I agree with all you said, except libre office calc does not support creating tables which is a huge lack of a fundamental feature, that means no auto calculated columns, no auto resize, no auto fill, no filters and no everything else that tables in Excel provide.

Also there are quite a bit of functions that are not present in calc but exist in Excel.
I agree with all you said, except libre office calc does not support creating tables which is a huge lack of a fundamental feature.
libre office calc IS a table. perhaps you are not using the correct terminology but a spreadsheet is a table.
No you're confusing a spreadsheet for a table.
Spreadsheet may contain one or more tables, but there are no tables in calc.
then please explain to me what the difference is between what you call a table and a spreadsheet. I have never seen the difference nor set up a table in a spreadsheet. So educate me on the difference please (not spoken sarcastically)
then please explain to me what the difference is between what you call a table and a spreadsheet. I have never seen the difference nor set up a table in a spreadsheet. So educate me on the difference please (not spoken sarcastically)
No problem I'll explain the best I can, but have you never used Excel?

A table is a rectangular set of cells, once created you can resize the table to the bottom or to the right, making it smaller or bigger (ex. to consume less or more cells)

Every table thus has it's own columns and rows that are independent or rows and columns in the spreadsheet where the table is created.

A formula entered into any of the cells in the table auto fills entire table column without you having to copy\paste it over rows.
Also as you expand the table so do the formulas auto fill along all columns.

Tables also have filters for each column to filter the table according to what ever criteria.
Tables also have it's own optional coloring and formatting independent of the spreadsheet the table is in.

You can reference a table from another table or it's individual columns or rows.
And as you expand, reduce or move the table all references in other tables or spreadsheets are auto updated.

Since this is lacking in calc this mean a lot of manual work that would be much easier if it did support tables.
Tables are so powerful it's a huge lack of calc for not having them.

You can think of tables as of tables in SQL database, can you think of SQL without tables? that would really suck.
No problem I'll explain the best I can, but have you never used Excel?

A table is a rectangular set of cells, once created you can resize the table to the bottom or to the right, making it smaller or bigger (ex. to consume less or more cells)

Every table thus has it's own columns and rows that are independent or rows and columns in the spreadsheet where the table is created.

A formula entered into any of the cells in the table auto fills entire table column without you having to copy\paste it over rows.
Also as you expand the table so do the formulas auto fill along all columns.

Tables also have filters for each column to filter the table according to what ever criteria.
Tables also have it's own optional coloring and formatting independent of the spreadsheet the table is in.

You can reference a table from another table or it's individual columns or rows.
And as you expand, reduce or move the table all references in other tables or spreadsheets are auto updated.

Since this is lacking in calc this mean a lot of manual work that would be much easier if it did support tables.
Tables are so powerful it's a huge lack of calc for not having them.

You can think of tables as of tables in SQL database, can you think of SQL without tables? that would really suck.
I have used excel but I am a M$ hater so stick to libre office. I have never seen a need for such a feature but I am not living off of spreadsheets so maybe I just never had the reason. What kind of purpose would this feature be used for? Not sure of the advantage to it. maybe an example would help. I did look to see about tables in calc and it does not have but had some work around that was pretty complicated.
What kind of purpose would this feature be used for? Not sure of the advantage to it. maybe an example would help.
It depends on how complex your calc or Excel book is, I've been working with really complex books in the past in Excel and tables were very useful to me.
If you're doing very simple stuff, ex. max 2-3 spreadsheets with few formulas only here and there then you can live without tables.

Currently I'm working in calc (since I'm on Linux and no longer using Windows) to calculate the odds and similar stuff of every casino game for a variety of betting strategies, for this kind of crazy math I need a lot of spreadsheet space and calculations, I find lack of tables very troublesome for this task because a lot of manual work is needed and it also makes my book pretty unreadable.
I believe that Only OFFICE will do excel spread sheets with tables. But haven't tried it my self.
I do believe we are off topic now. The OP wanted to know about install M$ 365 on a chromebook and we are not on target now.
I do believe we are off topic now. The OP wanted to know about install M$ 365 on a chromebook and we are not on target now.
Your right. Short story is don't think it can be installed directly on most chromebooks.
Short story is don't think it can be installed directly on most chromebooks.
I have a Chromebook and I purchased Microsoft 365.
So the conclusion, if you ask me, is to ask MS to refund your purchase because they're unable to deliver their product to your computer.
They should have detected your OS like every website does by default and warn you that you device might not be supported, but they didn't probably because M$'s greed did it's work.

I can share a few websites which won't let me download their software because my OS isn't supported, so I have only good words for them for warning me, and so should every website or store which sells software.

I have a Chromebook and I purchased Microsoft 365. I have registered Microsoft 365 Key with my Microsoft Account.

With Regards

Why the hell would you do that...this is a Linux Forum not windoze...what's wrong with LibreOffice ?

I have a windoze 7 virtual machine and it has LibreOffice installed and it's great.

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